Writing tips articles
Showing page 33 of 51 - There are 1526 Writing tips articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Want to put your names on my article?
- There's a new sort of ghost stalking the digital landscape.They let several people pay them for the right to put their names as authors to some articles and, maybe, other types of written work that they write. This differs from the traditional way that ghost writers work. Instead of writing pieces to order or supplying pre-written pieces for a fee to one client who buys the right to replace...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Do i really need to write articles for e-zines?
- When I was first advised to start writing articles, this was the first question I asked. As I was totally freaked out at the thought of me writing for others to read.Many people subscribe to e-zines and the readers often trust the recommendation of their editors. By sending articles to e-zines you will get valued visitors to your web-site. For each article you get published by them, the tra...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 15 questions to instantly help you write a tips booklet
- 1. What is the single most compelling subject from your experience or knowledge that you want the world to know about? If there are several topics, consider which one you are most passionate about.2. Can you identify the single most outstanding thing you want people to know? Think about whether it is a new skill, perspective, attitude, or expansion of general knowledge.3. Why do you ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The benefits of article writing for your home business
- Once you learn the benefits of article writing, you may want to open a home business based on your writing skills. The road to riches may be yours when you identify the basic elements required for writing top-notch articles, reports and other written material. When you have all the elements in place, you can produce page after page of written articles that will stand out and help you and your clie...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - From idea to published book ... how to self-publish the easy way!
- I've been involved in publishing for over a decade now as an author, editor, and project manager; however, it wasn't until just a few years ago that I decided to move into self-publishing. Indeed, my first few projects involved consulting for others and, now, I am involved in my own, personal projects. It has taken a while for me to come back around to my own works, but in the process I learned ho...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Article writing: everything i need to know, i learned from my english teacher
- By now you probably understand how important writing for trade publications is to establishing credibility in the home business world.On to the first hurdle: how do you get past that HUGE writers' block? How do you know what to write about, and how do you make it unique, informative and interesting?Remember how you resisted writing those reports in school, insisting that you would ne...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 7 tips for submitting articles online
- Online PR in the form of website and ezine article placement can be a great way to build your personal brand. You showcase your expertise in the article and raise your status. You get an author's box at the end of the article containing a bio, as well as email and website contact information. Readers may click-through on your URL to learn more about you. More links improve your search engine ranki...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to write a short article under 500 words
- Online publishers, ezine subscribers, and Web visitors want short, useful information. Use this "500-Word Article Formula" to create trusting, confident, and lifelong clients and customers.How to Write this Short Article1. Create a benefit-driven title so people will open your email. Put pizzazz into your title. Dare to be outrageous!2. Create a snappy one to three-sentence in...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top ten tips to write articles that will get published
- This free way to promote or publicize your book or business online will be successfull if you follow these tips:1. Open your short introduction with a hook. Connect with your audience with where they are now. Ask a few questions in just a few sentences to pull them in.2. Include a benefit or two for following your how-to suggestions, your solutions, or tips.3. Make all of your...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Writing ezine articles - 4 reasons why you should do it
- Anyone who's been in the business for 2 or 3 months certainly has a lot of information that he or she can share with others, especially newbies. So why don't you take advantage of it?Here are the 4 reasons why YOU too should start writing articles in Ezines to attract more visitors to your website:1. It's FREE!Do you know that most of Ezine publishers don't write their ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - You are losing customers by not doing this
- Not doing what, you ask.Writing and submitting articles.Writing articles is a cost- effective way of promoting your business. It exposes you to potential customers in a way that few other marketing vehicles do.Writing and submitting your work to online sites gives you fr*ee marketing opportunities. It also increases your credibility in the eyes of potential customers.Ha...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why you need an article-marketing strategy before posting a single article online i
- Part 1 of a 2-part series To read Part 2 http://www.promotewitharticles.com/strategy102.htmlFirst, Define your Bulls EyeIf you're going to write and post articles on the Internet, be unambiguous about what you expect them to accomplish. Don't start writing just yet. Think beyond the mechanics of writing an article or deciding where to post it.It's one thing to spin out...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why you need an article-marketing strategy before posting a single article online ii
- This is Part 2 of a 2 part article - Read Part 1 at http://www.promotewitharticles.com/strategy100.htmlWrite for the Non-Human ReaderArticles should be written to cater to two dissimilar types of readers - humans and search engine spiders. Each responds to information in their own ways. How one attains the best of both goes to the heart of your article strategy.People want art...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How i manage my list of where i post articles online
- Article Marketing Connects you Directly to Readers Even brilliantly-written articles can't "toot your horn" unless they get in front of people who'd care enough to read them. And widely posting articles online is the most direct way to make that occur. Posted articles bring a business many benefitshttp://www.promotewitharticles.com/benefits.html.Keyword-focused and information-rich a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Jump from unknown to widely quoted in one week
- Start by Being QuotableIt's tough to stand out online. With millions of experts and websites on the Internet, what are your chances of getting noticed? Long odds, certainly. But that's not your biggest challenge.Most fail to grab attention because what they're dishing out is dull - rehashing what's already been said, time and again. Content has been over-sold. It is NOT king if it's ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What posting articles online did for my google page rank in 90 days
- Article Marketing Builds Momentum and TrafficWhen I started submitting articles to ezines and directories I was happy just to get an occasional article written and widely posted online. I assumed that was the point. But I've since learned about equally important considerations--like the Page Rank of the site where it appears.Each article was written to inform and appeal to the human ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Adsense authors: who are these people?
- Adsense is a program designed by Google to help publishers monetize their websites using high contextually-accurate ads. Adwords is the other side of the coin which allows any person to create an account with Google and bid on keywords or key phrases to have their ads appear in either the search results ad placements, or in content sites that display Adsense ads.Over the past few months I'v...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Build links and your brand: article marketing delivers
- Many online marketers have crowed about the value of writing and publishing articles for branding and credibility. A few have mentioned the effects articles can have on the links to your site and therefore your search engine rankings.None of them, however, have made a distinction between what I see as the two article marketing methods. In this article we'll look at both "the fast way" and "...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Use textpad program for easy ezine and web site submissions to bring more sales
- When you create your articles in TextPad format, something like Notepad, but much more versatile, you will have them in 65 characters across wrapped, just the right format. Then, when you are ready to submit your articles to web sites, you simply copy and paste the parts of the article into the web site you want to post on.Use Textpad to format all of your email promotion, ezines, or articl...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ten top tips for writing articles on the internet
- Online readers love information, but be sure your information is crisp, clean, clear and concise. Internet writing is different from print.1. Keep your paragraphs short, even a line or two. Online readers will ignore long batches of words in long paragraphs, whether in an ezine or at a web site. That costs the author a lot of book sales. Respect readers who want material short and sweet....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Building your site with other peoples content--part 2
- Earlier, I published part 1 of this series, which contained a number of methods for building your site using other people's content. Now, I've come up with a few more ways that you can do this that I wanted to share with you.It's important to note however that you never want to build your entire site with other people's content. You'll keep visitors on your site--and keep them coming back--...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Using anecdotes - remember, people like to read about people
- Okay, I admit it: I'm a keen people-watcher. (Most writers are: we know people love to read about people - not things; not statistics; but people!)We collect anecdotes and snippets of other lives. If you do the same, you'll find your readers avidly waiting for your next article.I love to sit in a sidewalk cafe or at a table in a shopping-mall restaurant, and watch the crowd go by. I'...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing to editors
- How are you marketing your articles? As a writer prospecting potential clients, your query letter is your marketing tool. What does it tell the editor about you?Show me... the MarketShow the editor that you know his magazine. Jeff Peck, the editor of Insider's Journal, recently wrote, "...I end up rejecting fully 90 percent or more of the submissions because would-be auth...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - You should seriously consider making money with your words
- Sometimes when I am communicating with other webmasters and I bring up the subject of writing articles, I often get a response like "I'd rather have a root canal, I just can't write", or "my spelling is horrible and my grammar is not much better". In my view, the first excuse is just a matter of attitude. The latter excuse falls on deaf ears because the major word processing programs have good spe...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Article writing mistakes - 7 to avoid
- Making your articles available for reprints by other ezine publishers and webmasters is the cornerstone strategy in building an avalanche of pre-qualified visitors to your website.If you want your articles to be picked up and massively distributed by others, here are 7 common mistakes to avoid:Article Mistake #1 Too many grammatical, spelling, and punctuation errors.In ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Stick to the subject and your readers will stay
- Publishing content on the internet is not a hard task. But, some days it is definitely not the easiest. What do I write about today? Will my reader understand what I am trying to say? Will the reader leave with valuable and useful knowledge?These questions can be easily answered in two words: wanted content.The typical internet user does not just search for random keywords to pass th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Essential html skills for article authors - 7 tips
- Many successful authors close their mind to learning HTML because they figure they don't need to know it. I've been in technology, marketing and writing on the Internet for a decade+ now and I too shut my mind to learning HTML... until earlier this year. My thinking was that HTML coders only make $8-$10/hr and why would I want to learn a skill that I can outsource to someone who specializes in HTM...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 -