7 important elements of any article - miss just 1 element and your article is doomed
These 7 Important Elements are your Blueprint to Article Writing Success. By Applying these 7 Key Elements anyone will be able to craft Articles for Re-Distribution on The Internet.
1 - The Title
The Title can make or break your article. A good friend of mine always says if I make a mistake and my wife isn't here am I still wrong? You can write the Best Article in the world but if it doesn't get read then what difference does it make. Often Potential Publishers or readers will only see your Article Title. If your Title doesn't arouse their curiosity then your article won't be read. Titles Like: 7 Key Elements...
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The Best way to learn to craft good titles is to read as many titles as you can. Scan the Article Directories see what grabs you. Go to the Supermarket and look over those Gossip Papers. Many an Expert Copy Writer told me those are the best places to learn about Titles and Headlines.
2 - The Abstract
The Abstract may be as Important and in Some Cases More Important then the Title, Many Article Directories want a Short Abstract about your Article. They will display this right under your title in their Listing. Wouldn't it be a Crime to grab them with an Amazing Title only to loose them with a Terrible Abstract. Think of your abstract as an Extension of your Title or a Sub Title. The best Abstract will build suspense and peak curiosity making the reader wanting to know more.
3 - The Opening Paragraph
With many Article Directories going to RSS Feeds frequently only your Title and part of your opening paragraph is all that is displayed on a web page. Frequently my abstract and opening paragraph are the Same. Usually they differ only slightly
4 - Tease them with the Meat
Also known as the Article Body. This is where you get a chance to shine and show what you know. Be Sure and Dazzle them with your Brilliance and stay away from the Bull. You may want to tell them just enough so that they feel the learned something but still not enough so they feel compelled to click the link in your resource box.
5 - The Closing Paragraph
Leave the Reader feeling good, Sum up your article maybe make a final key point. Direct them to your Resource box if they want further information. Maybe even thank them for getting this far.
6 - The Resource Box
The Resource Box is the Big Payoff. The Resource Box is the reason you wrote this Article. A Resource Box should contain
Your Name
Your Contact Information (Phone and / or E-Mail)
An fact telling them why You are an Expert
A Link to Your Websites
A link to Your Blog (optional)
A Link Related to the Article (Optional)
Your CopyRight
A Statement allowing them to reprint your Article (Optional)
7 - Submission
You need to get your article re-published and Read. One of the best ways to do this is to submit it to article Directories. Here is a List of over 70 Article Directories. http://www.trafficninja.com/article-submit.html
Follow these 7 Simple tips and you too can be on your way to reaping the rewards of article writing.
About The Author:
Mike Makler has been Marketing Online Since 2001 When he Built an Organization of over 100,000 Members
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Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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