Article writing dos and donts
Still following along on the Copywriter's Crash Course in article marketing? Ahh, I'm so pleased! With any luck, you'll be an article-writing machine by tomorrow. But before you being submitting articles on the web as a brand-building strategy, keep the following Do's and Don'ts in mind.
Article Writing Do's
1. DO use keywords in your article title and through the supporting paragraphs. What are keywords? Quick answer: they're the most popularly searched terms that folks in your niche market are using in Google and other search engines. You MUST learn more about keywords before beginning your foray into the world of article-writing.
Find out about keywords here.2. DO feature information your reader can use. If you never give away any good secrets in your articles, your reader is going to see through the facade, and quickly. A great marketer shares the wealth (of knowledge). This is how the internet experts build their credibility! Do you know a thing or two about internet forums? Tell some people about it in your articles. Acquire adoring fans by offering useful information!
3. DO include live links to your website. Everyone on the web who picks up content from article distribution sites like adheres to their strict policy of including live URL links and a bio from every article author. This is huge, and the sole reason to write the article in the first place! So, take the time to include links to your website (or sales letter page if you have one,) and make them live. If you don't know how to do this, maybe this article can help:
Essential HTML Skills for Article Authors-- 7 Tips. But please keep your links to three or less!
4. DO follow a tight article body structure that's easy to read. If you're still keeping up with this article, it's probably because I've made it easy for your eye to follow along. There's nothing worse than having to sift through a long trail of endless information that's all lumped together. Be kind to your reader and break up your article into easily-understood sections.
5. DO include an Author Bio that positions you as a market leader. Your author bio should be dynamic, timeless, and include a call to action. Don't forget that your article is going to be read within the context of someone else's website. If your bio is dull and boring, your reader won't feel compelled to "follow you home." Tell them flat-out what to do. "Visit to find out how expert articles can position you as an expert in your field!"
Article Writing Don'ts
1. DON'T skimp on quality! Just because you've committed yourself to writing hundreds of articles does not mean that the articles should be sub-par reading. The quickest way to destroy your own credibility is to submit sloppy work. So please proofread for spelling and grammatical errors, and maintain solid sentence structure throughout.
2. DON'T start rambling incessantly! We've all had our chatty spells. Sometimes we get going on a topic and just can't seem to stop. Just because you're on a roll does not mean the reader is following. In the name of professionalism, stick to the topic at hand.
3. DON'T write an article that's vague. Always check your article for informational value. Be specific! Your reader will thank you for including well-developed thoughts, and the payoff will come in the form of purchased product on your website.
4. DON'T be tempted to rip off someone else's work. While some people may not be paying close attention to your online conduct, the people who matter usually are. If you steal someone else's ideas, you may be able to fool people into thinking you're somebody you're not... for a while. Eventually, that facade will quickly fall away when your future clients attempt to know you on a deeper level. And that will totally wreck you in a heartbeat. So don't do it!
5. DON'T include too many personal stories. Every once in a while, it's nice to get an up-close impression of a fellow internet marketer. Wow, real people with real lives, kinda neat! But if you're constantly blowing hot air about how you did this or that, potential customers are going to lose interest. The key question is "What's in it for the customer?"
Okay! So we've covered the basics of What to Do and What Not to Do in your articles. If you feel that you don't have time to devote to such painstaking detail, that's okay. There are plenty of ghostwriters who have perfected this craft and will gladly write targeted articles for you. I'm one of them!
Copyright 2005 Dina Giolitto. All rights reserved.
Find out how crisp, targeted copywriting can make a world of difference for your business. Dina Giolitto is a Copywriting Consultant with ten years of experience. Visit for free tips on branding, copywriting, article marketing, and more.
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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