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Domains for sale - best options for you

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When you are looking for domains for sale you have many options and wide variances in prices. If you are buying a brand new domain name that has never been registered before you will only pay around $10. If you want an existing domain name, especially a name that is well known and has a lot of monthly traffic, you will pay thousands or even hundreds of thousands of dollars.

The method you use to find a domain name may be different depending on what you plan on doing with your website. If you are just starting a personal blog to keep in touch with some family members, you may just want to use your own name or some variation of that.

If you want your website to become an online business you want to spend more time researching various domain names. One of the best methods to use is to do keyword research to find very targeted, and highly searched keywords for your niche.

Once you've got your keywords list made up, go to a domain registrar such as GoDaddy.com, DomainChepsters.com or NameCheap.com to name a few. You can do a search to find other sites where you can buy a domain name. Once there you can do a search and see if your keyword is available as a domain name.

To illustrate, say you are selling something related to golf clubs and your keyword research indicates that the term "best golf clubs" is highly searched. You can go to a domain registrar site and type in the phrase "best golf clubs.com" and if that is available you will most likely have a great domain name for your business.

There is a lot of debate online as to whether or not you should get a .com or a .net domain name extension. I've used both extensions very successfully with my business so I am not in the "you should only use a .com domain name to be successful" camp.

Some people advise that you buy multiple versions of your domain names so if someone enters the domain incorrectly they can still land on your domain. For example, if your domain name is 'BestGolfBalls.com" you may want to also buy "BestGolfBalls.net" and "BestGolfBall.com" etc.

That method is a good one to use but unless you're making tens of thousands from your website it's a cost that you can avoid if you want to.

It's never a good idea to rely on the free domain names that you get with free blog sites such as WordPress Blogger for your business. If your blog is strictly a personal blog than it's ok, but if your blog is for business than you shouldn't do it.

For one thing if you rely on the free sites, you don't own anything. A domain name is like owning a little piece of the internet. As long as you don't do anything illegal, you can do whatever you want with your domain.

When you are just using someone else's domain such as Wordpress or Blogger, they set the rules and if they don't like something you are doing (whether it's illegal or not) they can and do shut you down. They don't even have to contact you or warn you.

Investing in a domain name for your business is inexpensive and easy. Use these tips of finding the best domains for sale for your business.

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Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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