Are you losing sales because of these 4 simple website mistakes?
Losing website sales and traffic is sometimes simply a case of web usablity - your website just isn't clear to your visitors. By fixing these simple mistakes, you'll easily increase your conversion rate and make more online sales.
Mistake #1: No Clear Web Navigation System
Is there a clear navigation system of links both at the top and bottom of each of your web pages?
Does your visitor scroll down to the bottom of a web page only to find one or (even worse) NO links there? Do they have to scroll all the way up to the top of the web page to continue browsing your website?
Guess what - your customer is out of there. So many websites make this mistake and needlessly lose traffic.
Another mistake websites make is putting the navigation system in an out-of-the-way place that makes it difficult for the user to find. Maybe it blends in with the background. Maybe the font is so small, visitors easily miss it.
Don't assume your visitors are web savvy or automatically know where to look to navigate your website. Make it easy for them by having a clear, easy to find navigation system. They'll stay on your website longer, which increases the chance that you'll make the sale.
Mistake #2: Ignoring the WIIFM Principle (What's In It For Me?)
Does the home page state clearly and concisely what your website can do for your visitor?
Forget about telling your visitor how wonderful you are, how much experience your company has, how many years you've been around or how many awards you've won.
They don't care. They want to know what you can do for them - and they want to know it now. In the fast-paced, hectic world that is the Internet, you have about 3-5 seconds to convince your visitor that your website is worth their time. That's it (and that's being generous).
Your website should have one clear statement - in an easy-to-find place - about exactly what you can do for your customer. It should state the major benefit of doing business with you or the major benefit of your product. Your web visitors shouldn't have any questions about your site's purpose after reading that statement.
For example, instead of, 'Welcome to our web site about affiliate programs', how about 'Complete reviews of over 500 different affiliate programs. Find out who has the highest payouts and the best selling products for your website.'
Mistake #3: Overloading Your Visitor's Senses
Have you ever gotten eye strain from the first 10 seconds of reading a website? You know the ones I'm talking about - bright red font on a bright yellow background. Or dark purple font on a midnight black background.
What was the webmaster thinking (or smoking)? Quick fact: If your visitor has to work to read your website, they're already gone.
While your website may not be this bad, take a second look: Is there an overload of bold font? Is the web font so small you have to squint to read it? Are there tons of blinking images all competing furiously to capture your readers' attention?
Make sure your website isn't turning visitors away because it strains their eyes or overloads their senses.
When all else fails remember that the old standby is best: black font on a white background is the easiest for everyone to read.
Mistake #4: 'Am I Still On The Same Website?' - Having an Inconsistent Layout
If you want visitors to remember your website, nothing says 'professionalism' more than a consistent layout throughout your website. Keep your navigation bar in the same place on all pages. Keep the colors consistent and the logo in the same spot if you have one.
There's nothing more confusing than clicking on a link and feeling like you've entered a completely different website. Trust is a big factor when it comes to making sales online. To keep that trust, give your visitor a feeling of always knowing where they are and which website they're visiting!
So there you have it - 4 simple website mistakes that cost you traffic and sales. These mistakes may seem obvious, but you'd be surprised at how many webmasters make them. Steer clear of them and you'll automatically put more money in your pocket at the end of the day.
Kate Fox is a contributing writer to
Web Conversion: How To Sell More With Your WebsiteFor more free tips and articles on how to improve your web conversion rate and make more sales, visit:
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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