The benefits of one day hiking trips
Do you like to take one day hiking trips? Do you want to take hiking trips on trails near your home? One day hiking trips have a number of advantages. They are great for the recreational hiker. Minimal hiking gear is required and you can take pleasure in the fresh air and beautiful surroundings. Short day hikes are also a beneficial form of exercise. You can control your speed and terrain elevation. One day you can focus on endurance over flat trails while another day can be spent sprinting and climbing up steeper terrain.
One day hikes commonly take place on easily accessible trails in your area. Therefore, you can discover hidden nature treasures that are in your backyard. You can venture out for a day of leisurely or extreme hiking. Instead of setting up camp for the night, you can return to the comforts of your own home.
What hiking gear is necessary for a one day trip? It depends on the weather, terrain, and experience level of the hikers. However, there is basic hiking equipment that you will need. When choosing a hiking backpack, opt for a smaller pack. You don't want to spend your day trip lugging around a heavy backpack. It is a good idea to bring extra clothes in case your clothes become wet or the weather gets cooler. The key is to dress in layers.
It is vital to keep well hydrated, especially in the hot summer months. Avoid the intense heat of the afternoon sun. One gallon of water per person is recommended. A sports drink such as Gatorade is also an option. Steer clear of sodas and alcohol. These drinks are diuretics and will dehydrate your body. Bring snacks that have substantial good carbohydrates and protein such as nuts and granola. Protein rich fitness bars are also a practical option. Bring extra food just in case you spend a longer time on the hiking trail then expected.
Safety should be high priority on any hiking trip. Bring a map, compass, and flashlight. Bring the following items to combat any hiking emergencies: waterproof matches, whistle, fire starter, space blanket, and emergency shelter. These items are beneficial when you are unfamiliar with the hiking trail or you expect to hike through difficult terrain. There are other safety items to consider. Consult a hiking professional in your area for more tips and advice.
The sun, wind, and bugs can become a nuisance while hiking. Make sure to bring sunglasses, sunscreen, and bug repellant. Nothing can ruin a hiking adventure like bug bites and an aching sunburn. Always wear sunscreen even if the weather is overcast. Find a waterproof and sweat resistant sports sunscreen and reapply sunscreen every 4-5 hours or more frequently if you are prone to sunburn.
One day hiking trips are a great way for recreational hikers to experience trails in their area and exercise at the same time. Start a one day hiking group with your friends as a social get-together. What are you waiting for? Get your gear and get started today!
Monica Marty is an avid hiker and webmaster of
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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