Women and small business
In the book Women and Small Business author gives all the guidelines and tools need to start, operate and succeed in a business of their own. In the mentioned book she tried in the fist part to explain how has changed the role of women in the world along centuries. In the second part she researched all neccesary abbilities of women who like to start up their own business,make differences among women and men owners and gave advices to them.Additionaly, she made some very important questions which need answers for all prospective owners,as following:
What is my reason for starting a business? What type of business can I start? What skills, interests, and personal qualities will I bring to the business? What are my strengths and weaknesses as a business owner? What fears must I overcome?
In the third part she gave Case study based on MS Project which could be on a special use for their business ideas from the very beginning to their realisation in praxis.This information will help them form some opinions about the overall climate and how their idea might fare given current conditions. As they become more convinced of its potential, they can delve deeper into specifics that will ultimately become part of a formal business plan. Everything they discover will contribute to their idea's potential for success Dr Mirjana Radovic pointed that ideas are the currency of entrepreneurs and therefore they must play with many ideas and see which ones bring money and success. The reality is that some businesses may not be profitable enough to provide a living. Other business ideas simply aren't marketable in some trade area or there might be too much competition already. They may or may not have enough capital to get the business off the ground or to secure adequate business financing. So this book provides the tools with which to make decision whether or not to open own small business.
In the fourth part of the study she presented the latest results of researching related to women leaders and their position in the business world,i.e. how does people look at ( divided into sex,ages and level of education) women leaders and if they trust them.She compared results of one of the latest researching in the USA with the results in Serbia and Montenegro.Her scientific task was to make some conclusions and to point out some special characteristics of Balkan region .In the fifth part of the book she wrote about some limitation in achiving business success-Enterprenurial Phobia,Intuition and Managers desease among women.Finally,she gave some key points of her researching work and presented conclusion with the stress on the future position of women engagement in the business, where was long domination of men.
Dr Radovic has spent over twenty years as a scientist.She has been a professor,a researcher and an author of eight books devoted to business management and enerprenuarship.Also,Dr.Radovic has written numerous articles ,reviews and essays in a number of professional journals and popular magazines. A native of Belgrade, she holds a Bachelor's Degree in Economics from Belgrade University, Faculty of Economics. In 1982, she earned her Master?s Degree in Theoretical Economy and eventually a PhD in Economics from Belgrade University. She guest lectured at a number of universities, foundations and institutes in Moscow, The Hague, New York, Washington DC, San Francisco, St Paul, Atlanta, Portland, and New Orleans. She won a scholarship from the United Nations twice - to attend Lomonosow University (Russia) and Kerala University (India).This year she got invitation to teach students in Japan and India.Currenty ,she is adjunct professor at F.Dickinson University,NJ.Lacrosse University,MO and Akamai University,Hawaii.
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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