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Shortest path to success!

Self employment RSS Feed

Thoughts move faster than the speed of light.

Expectations jump faster than the thoughts can handle.

Ideas come as spark. Just as lightening bolt strikes. From nowhere in the empty realms of mind something erupts. It is so fast at this moment that you actually might not be aware of it. But subconscious registers and the process starts.Idea takes the shape. A gross shape which now the conscious would refine.

And a world of endless possibilities is born in the mind. The use and reward of the potential creation. Millions of neurons keep bombarding one after another to formulate and refine.

If you ignore the creation dies before it was born.

You need to feed your thoughts to complete the process of creation. And you need to take the action.An idea not being followed by action is as good as no idea. Millions of ideas die at this stage.


Because the conscious of the creator is not ready to take the challenge.

The challenge of the reality.

From sowing of an idea to reaping the harvest the path is written. The path is called action.

Action is integral part of the success.

What brings in the idea?


Desire is the prime mover of human beings.

Desire has led to the greatest inventions. People do attribute them to necessity but what made feel the need?


From discovering the fire to making of the jets and inventing the chips that run your computer as you read this, the DESIRE has brought them to the world.

Desire to succeed.

Desire to do better.

Desire to be wealthy.

And so on.

If it was not desire we would still be hiding in the caves and hunting for our daily meat.We would not sit comfortably in our secure homes and eating at our will. All this has been produced because our ancestors desired.

If you want to succeed in your business let your desire show you the path. The desire should be so strong that it will move your subconscious. Strange things will happen. You will start seeing the opportunities you never found before. Those were always there. Only you did not have the vision.

Grab an opportunity. Let the idea be born.

Then take the action.

With idea come the expectations. Expectations are dreams of the rewards that will follow if idea is implemented. But expectations come with their own trap. As they are just like dream you can indulge in forever without realizing that you are not going anywhere.

Have you seen an obese who is continuously wishing he was fit but never moving to the gym? I have seen many. I was one of them before the realization dawned.

Action is the most essential endeavor!

So you wish to make lot of money. Are you sure you desire that and you are just not dreaming about the money. Is your subconscious filled with your desire! Do you consciously look for the opportunities? If not yet then you are just dreaming. You are not giving any shape to your desire.

If it is so then go ahead and take action.

This applies to every sphere of life. This applies to online business.

It is the shortest path to success.

Copyright 2005 Arun Pal Singh

Author is a successful marketer and writer. Visit his website http://www.homeforprofits.com to know more secrets of successful business. To avail his free Income Course, send an e-mail to subscribe@homeforprofits.com with subject 'subscribe'.

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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