How to make a fortune with free advertising!
How To Gain FREE Advertising That Will Make You Rich!
Okay-Just What Exactly Is "Free Advertising"???
Before I get into the specifics of actually HOW to get free advertising - it's important for you to completely understand exactly what free advertising is.
"Free Advertising" is any mention, listing or "blurb" about your product in a magazine, newsletter, book, manual, directory etc. You see, advertising does not have to be paid for. There are tons of ways in which you can attract public attention to your product or business?and never pay a penny!
Imagine seeing your profits soar thanks to publicity you gained for FREE. It's one hell of a buzz I can tell you. So let's take a look at a way to gain free publicity which is quite literally making people tens of thousands of pounds...
Viral Marketing
This method is mainly applicable to gaining free publicity via the internet. If you want to make big money these days you've got to be involved in the net somehow. And viral marketing is proof of the amazing power of the internet. This method is HUGE in America. Viral marketing is the key to the success of the massive site That's right. Hotmail used this technique to get their name out there and recognised. Now it's your turn to do the same.
Whilst viral marketing may sound nasty, it is a truly powerful way to get your name noticed. You see, people will be spreading your marketing message without even knowing it. This is a great way to sell a truckload of your products, and have other people doing your marketing for?you guessed it?FREE!
The easiest way to explain viral marketing would be to use hotmail as an example. In case you didn't know hotmail offer free email. The way they make money is through selling advertising on their site. Obviously the more people that see the advertising on their site the more they can charge for companies to advertise.
Now this is where viral marketing comes in. Every time an email is sent out from a hotmail user, at the very bottom of the page is a marketing message that says "Sign Up For Your Own Free E-Mail Address At". So every time an e-mail is sent out people are unwittingly helping hotmail market their site. It spreads like a virus. Their own customers are helping them market their web site!
How One Free eBook Could Make You Very Rich
Now don't panic. You don't need to have to write your own ebook (electronic book). I'll show you a way where you can get FREE products on any subject for you to turn into your own personalised eBook in just a second. But eBook viral marketing can make you a whole load of money. eBooks don't cost a penny to send as you can send them via email or as a download, yet they can make you tens of thousands of pounds in extra sales. I'll give you a concrete example of how this work's in a second.
Rather then selling your eBook for £10, £20 even £30 why not give it away free? Why? What is the point of giving away free information I hear you ask. FREE advertising that's why. Here's an example of how I increased the traffic to my website without paying a penny.
I created an eBook called "How To Make £5,000-£10,000 A Month From Home". At the bottom of each page was a little note saying "Receive Personal Millionaire coaching at". What I did was to offer this eBook for free to all my customers and even those who visited my site but didn't buy anything. And here's the clincher. I offered full resale and giveaway rights with the eBook.
And this is where viral marketing kicked in with my business. Some people who got my free eBook would not do anything with it. However others would pass it on or sell it. These people would then pass it onto others, who then in turn passed it onto even more. Are you starting to see how this works?
Within a matter of months the name of my site was being seen by thousands. Thousands of people were seeing the name of my site time and time again as they read the eBook until eventually curiosity got the better of them and they just had to visit my site to see what all the fuss was about. Now if your sales message is good enough, you can turn these thousands of people who it's likely would never have seen your sales message into customers!
And the eBook continues to be spread around like a virus even now. With each day that goes by more and more people are seeing the name of my site. Isn't that amazing. I'm not a penny out of pocket, yet have gained tons of new customers due to a service that is free. Perfect.
Ezines Can Market Your Product To Millions!!
And here's another amazing trick using eBook viral marketing ? E-zines.
An e-zine is basically just an electronic newsletter delivered directly to peoples email. The subjects covered in e-zines are literally endless. This is how free advertising in an e-zine aimed at your target market can make you more money then you could ever have hoped for.
Again it involves eBooks, but you can adapt the whole of this article to whatever you are selling. Here's an example of how I used it to promote my business. I am not saying this to blow my own trumpet. But it will be easier for you to understand should you see a real life example of how it works.
Due to the fact my target market are business opportunity seekers I did a simple search on the net for "business opportunity ezines". I then found a site which I advise you use too ? Here I found a comprehensive list of thousands of bizz opp ezines.
Now here's the clever bit in gaining 100% free advertising. I contacted each ezine offering them a copy of my eBook "How To Make £5000-£10,000 A Month From Home" to give to their ezine subscribers. I explained that their customers would be delighted at receiving a quality free money making ebook. All they needed to do was contain in their ezine a link to my website. This worked fantastically.
One ezine alone might have 10,000 subscribers. There were thousands in my market. If the ezines decide to go with your free eBook offer, and the majority will, you can be reaching hundreds of thousands of potential new customers. And remember, it won't stop there. Because these will all have giveaway and resell rights to your book. So they can all then pass your book on. And with the name of your site at the bottom of every page you're really going to notice the massive difference to your bank account thanks to 100% FREE advertising.
Warning?Entrepreneurs DO NOT Want You To Know This?
There's a closesly guarded secret of the rich. It's a secret which enables you to get FREE videos, FREE books, FREE audiocassettes etc for you to sell for profit. It's called the public domain.
The public domain contains a limitless supply of copyright free products. This means that they are there for you to do with as you wish. You can sell anything in the P.B for 100% profit if you wish (for example did you know that the copyright had expired on all of Charles Dickens novels? You could get them out of the public domain, put them all onto a C.D. Rom and sell them on eBay as "The Ultimate Dickens' Collection". See the power of the P.B!). But as we are talking about viral marketing I'm going to show you how the public domain can make you money!.
Simply go to and search for the following keyword terms:
"public domain", "reprint rights", "free reports", "duplication licence", "unlimited duplication" (Ensure you use quotation marks when searching on altavista)
Then search through for an item relevant to what product you are selling. For example, if you were selling business opportunities it would be pointless offering the resell rights to the "Ultimate Charles Dickens" collection. You want to have a free book that will excite your potential customers into getting it and spreading it.
Once you have found the book you wish to use as a free bonus simply type the name of your site on the bottom of each page. And there you have it. Your FREE eBook that can and will gain you thousands and thousands of free custom!! Take a look at my eBook if you so desire and you will see exactly how the layout entices people to the site.
This Works?Try It Yourself And Watch Your Profits Explode!
Imagine an upside down pyramid. This is how viral marketing is. The tip of the pyramid represents when just a handful of people have your eBook. But as they spread it the pyramid starts to get wider and wider and your profits start to explode.
I know that this might seem an unusual way of marketing to you. It did to me when I first heard it. And there's a reason for that?Its brand new to the U.K. That's right, thanks to money master you are way ahead of the pack in the U.K. Whilst this is a massive marketing method in the U.S it is virtually unheard of here.
Using the power of viral marketing, tied in with the product of the moment ? eBooks- you can spread your message and your information all across the internet and pull people to your web site. Which is fantastic. Because you ALWAYS make more sales if you pull people to your products rather then push them. (an advert would be an example of pushing them to your site).
I have used eBooks as an example of viral marketing. However you can adapt this method to whatever line of business you are in. It may just take a little time to come up with a winning idea
Viral Marketing is a free way to market your product to potentially millions of customers. I hope you will use this amazing new method to watch your profits explode.
Happy Banking
Jonathan Street
Jonathan Street is a master at making vast sums of money for very little investment. Direct mail, mail order, selling domain names, name it - he's making money from it. He's also the author of "How To Make £5,000 - £10,000 A Month From Home". A book which he invites you to get for free from his ever popular web site.
Jonathan learnt how to make his fortune from 3 ordinary people who built a $50 million+ empire from home. Now there'll let you copy their proven system.
For FREE info and to get a copy of Jonathans book go to:
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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