Summer and swimming pools
Who isn’t aware of swimming pools? Summers and swimming pools are inevitable combination and it is almost impossible to not think about the two together. But, there aren’t many people who know the history of swimming pools or when they were used for the very first time.
The "Great Bath" at the site of Mohenjo-Daro was most likely one of the very first swimming pools ever built. It was dug during the 3rd millennium BC. The pool is 12 by 7 meters, is lined all around with clay bricks and was covered with a sealant which seems to be made up of tar. The Greeks and Romans built artificial pools for physical training, for water games and for military exercises.
Swimming pools became popular in the Britain around the middle of 19th century. By the year 1837, there were a total of six indoor pools with complete with diving boards and steps built in London, England. Once the modern day Olympic Games began in 1896 which included categories for swimming races, people actually began to recognize swimming as a sport and the popularity of swimming pools began to spread. In 1839, Oxford had its first public indoor pool built at Temple Cowley, and since swimming was taken off at a completely new level.
Pools all over in the world are measured in meters, but in the United States pools are always measured in feet and yards. The standard size in US for swimming pools is either 25 yards, 25 meters or 50 meters. There are also pools that are 33⅓ m long. This makes for an easy approximate for swimming length as 3 lengths = 100 m. This kind of a pool is usually used for conducting a game of water polo.
Swimming pool depths maybe of varying measurements. It all depends on what the pool is used for, and whether it is available to the public or used strictly for private usage. If it is a private pool used for relaxing or casual swimming, its depth maybe 1.0 to 2.0 m (3.3 to 6.6 ft). If it is a public pool with a diving board, its slope may range from 3.0 to 5.5 m (9.8 to 18.0 ft) maximum at the deep end. The depth a children's play pool or a kiddy pool may be from 0.3 to 1.2 m (1.0 to 4 ft). Most public pools have varying depths to provide different swimmer requirements all at the same time.
Maintenance of a swimming pool is extremely important as people are completely merged in it and any type of lag or carelessness may turn this healthy activity into a home for skin diseases or infections. Therefore, swimming pool water must always maintain low levels of bacteria and viruses to avoid the spreading of any such pathogens. To avoid any such mishaps, pumps, mechanical filters, and disinfectants are widely used to filter the water used for swimming. Furthermore, chemical disinfectants, like the chlorine and bromine, are normally used to make swimming pool water resistant to pathogens. This keeps the water cleaner for longer. However, it is important to note that the concentration of these chemicals being used have to precise and accurate.
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Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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