Chronic headaches and pain often can be eliminated by a special dentist
DENVER ? Sometimes as Freud once said a good cigar is just a smoke. A headache, on the other hand, occasionally can be a sign of something much more serious than just a headache.
This is particularly true if it is accompanied by facial pain, neck and shoulder pain, tinnitus or ringing in the ears and unexplained loose teeth. These symptoms, along with jaw pain, limited jaw movement or locking jaw, numbness in the fingers and arms, worn or cracked teeth and clicking or popping in the jaw joints can be signs that a person has the condition called temporomandibular joint syndrome or TMJ. The condition occurs when the teeth, facial muscles and temporomandibular joints are out of alignment.
Fortunately, neuromuscular dentistry can help alleviate symptoms such as headaches, neck and shoulder pain, jaw pain, clicking or popping in the jaw and tinnitus ? another name for ringing in the ears. A neuromuscular dentist may be able to help if you are suffering from any of the above symptoms or a number of other symptoms. In a number of cases, these symptoms can actually be attributed to TMJ, also referred to as TMD (temporomandibular joint disorder) or MPD (myofascial pain disorder). The Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies (LVI) is considered by many to be the world leader in training neuromuscular dentists. Neuromuscular dentists trained there are specially trained to recognize signs of TMJ, a disorder that is commonly passed by or misdiagnosed, and to provide the most appropriate care for the individual patient.
Located in Las Vegas, NV, the Las Vegas Institute for Advanced Dental Studies was founded in 1995. To learn more about the Institute and TMJ, visit the Web site at
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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