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Three cheers for losing weight with chocolate

Fitness RSS Feed

Let's face it; pretty much everyone enjoys the sweet taste and smooth texture of chocolate.

Whether you're the kind of chocolate lover that craves a rich, creamy piece of cake after a meal or the kind who reaches for a candy bar at the convenience store, we all love chocolate. Sadly, we also seem to have that love-hate relationship with chocolate. We love to enjoy that delicious bite of chocolaty goodness, but we hate to think about how our waistlines will pay for it later.

At Focus28, we want people to know that they can have their chocolate cake and eat it too. Actually, not just their cake, but their puddings, shakes and bars as well! It's time to forget feeling guilty about satisfying those chocolate cravings and start enjoying great tasting foods that you enjoy. Here are Focus28's three cheers for chocolate, when it comes to losing weight and maintaining a healthy diet:

1. and potassium. Cocoa beans (the main ingredient in chocolate) also contain flavonoids that have antioxidant effects, which can reduce cell damage that is implicated in heart disease.

2. Fight Cancer! Recent studies suggest that chocolate may also prevent cancer. The flavonoids in chocolate work to prevent

3. Reduce your Risk of Prevent Heart Disease! Chocolate contains a variety of minerals that are needed to promote cardiovascular health, such as calcium, agnesium, copper Stroke! Last year, the American Academy of Neurology announced that a recent study containing more than 44,000 people showed that those who consumed a weekly serving of chocolate were 22 percent less likely to suffer a stroke than people who did not eat chocolate.

Start celebrating the health effects of chocolate even more with Focus28. As with any healthy diet, everything is best in moderation and the same goes for chocolate. It's important to be sure that your diet is nutritionally balanced.

That's why Focus28 has clinically developed its meals and chocolate product selection with calorie control and balanced nutrition in mind. There's no need to worry about counting calories or reading one nutrition label after another. Choose from any of our chocolate snacks or meal replacements and start losing weight with chocolate today!

Focus28 Diet is a High Protein Diet that sells diet hot chocolate and the best dark chocolate pudding

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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