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Treadmill best recommended list

Fitness RSS Feed

Runner's World Magazine conducts an evaluation, to come up with their treadmill best recommended list. Unlike other sports-related products that the athletic magazine reviews on an annual basis, treadmills, they explain, are not extensively and continually redesigned and upgraded. Thus, the treadmill best recommended list stays a dependable buying guide for three years for the thousands of athletes and exercise-enthusiasts who look to Runner's World Magazine for fitness product information.

The treadmills that Runner's World has included on its current treadmill best recommended list made that list as a result of a lengthy process that took into consideration all sizes, shapes and endurance levels of treadmill users. They tested 12 treadmills, with 15 testers of both sexes, ranging from 110-210 pounds. Aged 25-55, these testers ran or walked hundreds of miles, at various speeds and inclines. Some were high-end athletes, others not quite so enduring. What's surprising about the Runner's World treadmill best recommended list for this year is that although most participants were brand new the treadmills that ended up making the treadmill best recommended list were the same treadmills recommended three years prior. The criteria of this list are for cushioning, stability, controls, and display, resulting in an overall rating as well.

The devices that made the Current Runner's World treadmill best recommended list are True, retailing at $3795, with an overall rating of 8.1; Nordic Track, retailing at $3500, whose overall rating is 7.6; Precor; number three on the treadmill best recommended list, is also priced at $3500, with a 7.3 overall rating. The fourth best is the $4995 Cybex, which earned an overall rating of 7.1; Life Fitness, $3500, is rated overall at 7.0; the $4495 Landice, overall rating 6.9, is next on the list.

Timothy Gorman is a successful Webmaster and publisher of Treadmill-Solutions.com. He provides more treadmill ratings, rankings and treadmill reviews that you can research in your pajamas on his website.

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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