Finance articles
Showing page 31 of 44 - There are 1319 Finance articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Who wants to be a millionaire?
- How many people search Google, Yahoo and MSN each day for the terms - make fast money online, get rich quick, or make money online? Or how about Who wants to be a millionaire?Thousands! Thousands upon thousands, each and every day.I wonder why?Well, I'll let you in on a bit of personal stuff here. When I bought my first computer 5 years ago, the first word I typed into a searc...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 golden rules to financial prosperity
- Not Enough Money?I believe that most people haven't got enough money for everything they wish to have - the more you have the bigger your plans, and you have a feeling that you have less and less money.Whether you have lots of money or just so-so, you need to economize and take proper care of your money ie your income, expenditures, savings and investments.Below I give you 7 G...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The 11 best money saving ideas of all time - part 1
- At any time in history, no matter what the current state of the economy, no matter what the current trends, no matter what the unemployment rate is or where interest rates lurk, some money-saving ideas stay true.Some of you may have heard of these ideas before, others may be entirely new to you. But whether you are familiar with these super secrets or not, it will be well worth your while t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Turbocharged financial planning
- Financial planning is an ongoing process individuals and businesses should implement by organizing all aspects of their finances. This will assist in identifying financial goals, providing a comprehensive written Financial Plan, and implementing the plan in accordance with the objectives that are most important to you.Comprehensive financial planning should involve these areas and these spe...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Cutting costs can significantly increase your income
- As a work at home Mother, I know the value of a deal. Any smart business person knows that the best way to make money is to SAVE money.Recently my husband quit his 9 to 5 salaried career to work from home with me. In order to afford this we had to take a good long look at our typical expenses and determine what we could do to cut our costs.We quickly realized how much money is spent ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Building wealth by paying yourself first
- When I look around at all of my friends, and a lot of my family, I see a lot of people living from pay check to pay check, under monetary stress. These same people watch the Calendar for payday like a hawk. Pay their bills, and then open up the spending flood gates, before they know it, they are itching for their next pay check. These same people are the people who don't think they make enough mon...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Residual income - part three finding leaders
- In my last article on Creating Residual Income I mentioned that employees are a pain.That wasn't completely accurate. To be more accurate I should have said, "MOST employees are a pain."In addition to the "regular" problems of payroll, sick time, legal issues, etc., there is the bigger issue that EMPLOYEES ARE LOOKING OUT FOR THEMSELVES, NOT FOR YOU.Which means they need const...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Residual income - the myth
- "Join our program and retire in 3 months..." yeah, right.We all want to get to a place where we have ongoing, hands-off income that continues without us having to work for it. These ads play into that desire by offering us the promise of "easy continuing income."The reality is often far from the sales pitch.The first step in developing an ongoing, residual income is to dispel ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Residual income - 3 ideas for long term profits
- A residual income is one that comes in no matter what--even when you are not working (or can't work.) It's something all of us will someday want and possibly need.There are several paths to creating a residual income. I am going to quickly give you three ideas on how to get it done:1. Invest small amounts of money over a long period of time.Doesn't sound to exciting, huh? Well...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Wealth creation and mortgage planning - two great tastes that taste great together
- What if I were to tell you that almost everything you have been told about what to do with your home has been absolutely wrong and that one of the worst ways to build wealth is through your home? And what if I further went on to show you that anyone who perpetuates this myth probably is not your best source for accurate financial information?Most of you right now are looking at the byline a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Use feng shui coins to increase your income
- Feng shui coins can allow you, among other things, to increase your income. By keeping three coins tied with a read thread, you would protect your already existing income as well as increase it. According to Chinese traditions, three coins tied that way symbolize prosperity and income protection.By carrying these three tied coins with yourself you could attract personal wealth, as well as b...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Is accumulating a $1,000,000 net worth easy? yes and no
- Is accumulating wealth as easy as following a 3-step plan? Yes it is and no it isn't. As with many things in life, accomplishing a goal such as accumulating one million dollars (or even $100,000) depends on your desire, your personal choices and your daily actions.Let's start with one example on how you might miss this goal. One of the first components of successfully meeting any goal is to...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - It adds up
- Loose change that is, if you want a easy way to start saving a little extra money these 5 tips show you how to do just that.One or all will fit your needs so there is no reason not to get started today. By the end of this article you could be on your way to saving for your next vacation or special gift you may have wanted.Getting started or should I say keeping it up is the hardest p...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Methods of raising instant cash
- The inability to come up with the necessary cash when suddenly presented with a "can't miss" opportunity, is one of the most frustrating experiences anyone ever live through. Yet, there are literally hundreds of ways to raise unlimited amounts of cash in an hour or less! You may not be aware of many of these cash-raising methods we're about to describe for you, but they are all legal and any one o...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 7 lucrative paper businesses you can run
- Why not run a lucrative paper business? Paper businesses do not require large investments of capital for expensive equipment, inventory, and buildings. Many paper businesses can be run from your own home. A paper business is a business that can be operated mainly using pieces of paper, such as contracts, invoices, shipping documents, et cetera. Here are seven excellent paper businesses that you ca...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to get investors and bankers to part with their money for your business
- Time and time again entrepreneurs are losing out on getting the capital they need because of making basic mistakes in their pitch. It's great to have a magic product and tons of enthusiasm, but it's not enough. Follow these five rules and see your success rate climb.1. Look like someone who can make money.At the start of the presentation walk in vigorously and shake hands. Look them ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to be a millionaire - the top secret of wealth creation
- Have you any idea how many people search Google every single day for terms such as, "make fast money" or "get rich quick"?Intelligent, motivated people, just like you and me? It's veritably FRIGHTENING.Some do it for a laugh.Some do it because they have a wealth creation product for sale, and some do it for the same reason as they type into their search engine box "For the lov...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Create tax savings and transfer wealth to your child with a roth ira
- Parents must give serious thought to protecting their family through estate tax planning. While life insurance and trusts should be a part of every plan, Roth IRAs can be a simple tool for passing money to your child on a tax-free basis.Roth IRAFirst, we need a quick summary of the Roth IRA. A Roth IRA is an after-tax retirement vehicle that produces huge tax savings because all tax ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The financial equation that will set you free!
- I have a good friend who works in an area of the US that has more than its share of poverty. He called me the other day with a very broken heart. He was feeling badly for the people around him who simply do not allow themselves to get set free financially. I could feel the pain he was feeling because I too, very often wonder why it is that some people experience financial independence and others d...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why get rich when you can be wealthy?
- "Any fool can rich, the wise get wealthy." Chris WidenerGetting rich is the main goal for a lot of people. That is unfortunate however, because there is something so much greater than simply the accumulation of money. Now don't get me wrong - I am not saying people shouldn't have large sums of money. In fact, I believe greatly in the power of money for good when in the hands of the right pe...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Principles to ensure a fantastic financial finish
- Most people want to get to the end of their lives and be able to live comfortably, take care of themselves and leave something for their children. These are admirable goals and very achievable - especially if you have a good plan! While I am not giving specific financial advice, these are the principles I live by and believe can bring anyone to a fantastic financial finish! As always, check with a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Finding financial freedom
- Do you ever get this in your email box: Find Financial Freedom! Make $150,000 from home in the next 90 days! How about 10 times a day?Every time I get one of these, I think to myself, "Hmmm, Financial Freedom. I already have financial freedom, even though it doesn't look like what these emails promise me."Financial freedom is a buzzword for our generation. It is the pursuit of litera...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Could a roth ira be better than a 401(k)?
- Very few people whom I know are familiar with the benefits of the Roth IRA. It was named for the late Senator William Roth of Rhode Island, who proposed it. It is similar to a traditional IRA except contributions are never tax-deductible. Contributions to traditional IRAs are sometimes deductible or partially deductible, depending on your income and whether or not you have a retirement plan like a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Who else is tired of life punching them in the face?
- Remember the bloodied face of Randall "Tex" Cobb?He was a boxer who fought in a championship bout against then heavyweight champ Larry Holmes in June of 1982. It wasn't pretty.He was beaten so badly his face was barely recognizable after the fight.As a matter of fact, it was so gruesome that Howard Cosell, the famous sports broadcaster who announced the fight, vowed never to d...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The wealthy mindset
- What is the difference between wealthy people and poor (even average) people? It is not all the money that wealthy people have and the average don't, nor the luxury, nor the lifestyle. It is their mindset.A few lucky people have won a lot of money and become wealthy overnight but in short time many of them have returned to their prior financial condition too soon. There is no trace of all t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Real estate stories that show you how!
- Let's begin easing you out of the pits. I mean, comfort zone! I'm going to slowly and methodically give you as many little sparks and insights to the relatively simple ways that ordinary people use real estate to achieve extraordinary results.Stories are the best spark plugs. They let you casually observe from a safe, secure and understandable view point. I will write to answer most of the ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Q and a: financial independence tips for women from coni cecil
- As a woman Netpreneur, I sat down via e-mail with article-announce regular contributor, Internet marketer and women's financial consultant Coni Cecil of She shared her Internet marketing and financial wisdom for women on the Net. The quote on her site from Eleanor Roosevelt is inspiring: "The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams."Q: I reall...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Living trusts: do they protect your assets from creditors?
- A surprising number of readers want to know "Can a living trust protect my family's assets from creditors and lawsuits?"I think there are some promoters out there that use this as a pitch to get people to set up a living trust using their services:"Transfer your assets to a living trust and hide them from your creditors," are the claims.Sorry, that's not the law.Let's h...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 -