The best prada handbags
Prada was founded in 1913 by Mario Prada and was started as a leather goods company in Italy. It wasn't until 1985 when Muiccia Prada introduced a new line of handbags that had immediate results and that's how the Prada designer name became associated with luxury purses and handbags like Gucci and Christian Dior.
People wanted to be seen holding a Prada handbag for status, it supposedly showed off their wealth. Now Prada gets lots of free advertising when top celebrities are seen carrying their purses and handbags to big events or just around town. Prada bags are the epitome of luxury and fashion combined into one product that all women crave. As with any "fashionable" product, the price tag of
hermes bags, birkin bags, prada handbag, miumiu handbag are high. Most run from $500-$2000 and some of the more expensive models are upwards of $10000. From the pricing alone, you can understand how the replica designer handbag market continues to thrive even though it is illegal. Prada currently produces messenger bags, travel bag, classic handbags, totes, backpacks, leather handbags, and small purses.
Looking for a quality messenger bag or classic handbag from Prada, then try retailers like Saks Fifth Avenue or Neiman Marcus. You can also shop online and they both carry an extensive line of totes, hobos, shoulder bags, satchels, clutches, and baby bags for top designers like Prada. Some top sellers include the Prada Nylon Messenger Bag ($550), the Prada Double Zipper Messenger ($345), the Prada Nylon and Leather Hobo ($740), and the Prada Small Nylon Hunting Bag ($515). On we saw the Prada Single Clip Messenger Bag for $675 - available in dark grey nylon or black canvas. This bag features an adjustable web shoulder strap, silver metal hardware, black trim, flat top with extended clip closure, and inside pockets. Another favorite is the Prada Flat Messenger Bag ($490) - comes with the signature logo plate on front and is made of black nylon. The Prada Nylon and Leather Logo Bag ($820) offers a nylon shoulder bag with leather trim, a front logo and a detachable ID tag. One interesting note we wanted to mention was that several websites only allowed 3 units of any Prada bag to be ordered every thirty days "due to high demand". We are not sure if this is a marketing ploy to create that "gotta have feeling" or if it's really legit and they are in high demand.
Prada designs are simple and elegent looking but are easy to fake or replicate which means buyers will not always know if the Prada handbag or purse they buy is authentic or fake. If you are worried about purchasing a knockoff
hermes bags, birkin bags, prada handbag, miumiu handbag, make sure you take the handbag to a Prada reseller (like Saks) to get it certified as the authentic thing. We've heard too many stories of husbands buying Prada handbags for their wives that turned out to be fakes and they essentially forked over $1000 for a $20 purse.
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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