Casual dressing: what to wear
Is your casual wardrobe working for you? Dressing casually does not mean that you have to dress down or wear scrubby clothes, nor does it mean that you have to work really hard pulling it all together. It does mean however that some thought has to be put into it such as starting with a base (pants, top and sweater/jacket) in a neutral color and then adding pieces.
To put more zip into your casual wardrobe start by expressing yourself using colors and prints creatively. Try new colors, color combinations, styles and accessories that are brighter and bolder than those in your career wardrobe. Color and style will boost your casual look and make you look and feel better.
1. Invest in good quality footwear and choose footwear that corresponds with the weight of the fabric with which it is being worn.
2. To get the best look from your casual clothes choose styles that glide over your body and do not pinch, pull or squeeze. Bumps and excess weight are not hidden by wearing bulky clothes but rather accentuated.
3. Wear sportswear appropriately. For example, sneakers are intended for sports such as running, jogging or walking. Jogging suits are intended for jogging not for everyday activities unrelated to sports or exercise.
4. To look your best find jeans that suit your body type and are not tight. To read the article "Finding Jeans That Fit" go to Sheila's Fashion Sense and look under "Style Advice".
5. Whatever clothing choices you make choose styles; colors and color combinations that make you feel better. Don't wear anything that makes you feel self-conscious. What looks great on your best friend may not be best for you.
Sheila Dicks is an Image and Wardrobe consultant who helps women feel more confident by dressing to suit their body type. To get tips on how to dress slimmer and find your best styles get a copy of her ebook "Image Makeover" at or go to to get the Free Report " 7 Things Your Girlfriends Won't Tell You About Beauty and Fashion".
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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