Ezine articles
Showing page 5 of 11 - There are 317 Ezine articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - E-zine promotion: 10 smart reasons to charge a fee for your e-zine
- You publish an e-zine, you may consider to start charging a fee.Here are some e-zine promotion reasons:1. You will create residual income. For example, if you charge a monthly subscription fee, you will get recurring income every month.2. You won't have to spend all your time marketing to gain new subscribers. Just get and keep enough subscribers to reach your monthly income g...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to use viral marketing to grow your opt in email list
- If you have read my article called "What is Viral Marketing" you should already have a fairly good idea of it's potential.In this article I'm going to discuss how it can be used to grow your all essential, opt in mailing list.As you already know, Viral Marketing is a great way to get the word out about your product or service, so you can see a huge surge in sales.But what abou...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to make your subscribers stick to you like super glue
- One of the biggest obstacles to building a good sized opt in list is the drop out rate. Sometimes it seems subscribers are leaving as fast as they are joining. This slows down the overall growth rate.This can make the whole process of list building frustrating. For this reason many list builders get into a pattern of starting and quitting which can further slow down the overall list buildin...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Emerging trends in web content and web publishing
- Content is King but the web pages are still littered with writing that does scant justice to the word content, least of all creative, useful and valuable content.The first wave in the internet is finally over when we saw the design and technical elements of a website were the focus areas. Content was merely a catalogue of products, a directory, displayed in all its designer glory and the on...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 8 killer mistakes for ezine failure you must avoid
- It is true that sometimes in life there is a small line between failure and success. The same thing applies with ezines and newsletters. Some details we consider unimportant are the keys for the success of our publication or failure.1) Be Careful with the "from" field.Although many consider this as a detail, it is the first thing a user will see. Who is sending the email. U...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to build your list ? 7 powerful strategies
- If you have been an internet marketer, or had any type of online home based business, for more than a few days, then you will no doubt have heard someone say, "if you want to make money online, you have to build an opt-in list."Take that advice very seriously, because it's true! It took me a long time to finally let the list building advice sink in, so I didn't start doing it until I had my...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ok people - lets get real!
- It's all about numbers - or so some ezine publishers would have you believe.10,000 subscribers and counting!20,000 subscribers and counting!30,000 subscribers and counting!You get the picture...or do you?Now let me ask you - how many of those are actually READING your newsletter? Do you even know? Have you checked?You might really be surprised!...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 5 keys to a successful ezine
- There are 5 basic keys you need for your ezine to be successful and here they are though not necessarily in this order.1- HostingYou need good reliable hosting for your website. You don't want to lose subscribers because your site is always down. Not only that... it's unprofessional.Why should someone listen to what you have to say in your ezine when you can't even get the bas...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to write effective ezine ads... and then some
- When writing an ezine ad, there is a big mistake that most people make when writing an ad. That is, they try to sell something in those ads, and there is a good reason why you don't want to do that.Let's think about this for a second, if it will take seven times for most people to buy your product. Then how many times will you have to run that same ad to the same people in the same ezine, t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The disintermediation of content
- Are content brokers - publishers, distributors, and record companies - a thing of the past?In one word: disintermediation.The gradual removal of layers of content brokering and intermediation - mainly in manufacturing marketing - is the continuation of a long term trend. Consider music for instance. Streaming audio on the internet ("soft radio"), or downloadable MP3 files may render ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - American overdrive - lcds in ldcs
- OverDrive - an e-commerce, software conversion and e-publishing applications leader - has just expanded an e-book technology centre by adding 200 e-book editors. This happened in Montego Bay, Jamaica - one of the less privileged spots on earth. The centre now provides a vertical e-publishing service - from manuscript editing to conversion to Quark (for POD), Adobe, and MS Reader ebook formats. Thu...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - An embarrassment of riches - part i
- The Internet is too rich. Even powerful and sophisticated search engines, such as Google, return a lot of trash, dead ends, and Error 404's in response to the most well-defined query, Boolean operators and all. Directories created by human editors - such as Yahoo! or the Open Directory Project - are often overwhelmed by the amount of material out there. Like the legendary blob, the Internet is cle...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - An embarrassment of riches - part ii
- The DOI Foundation has unveiled the DOI-EB (EB stands for e-books) Initiative in the Book Expo America Show 2001, to, in their words:"Determine requirements with respect to the application of unique identifiers to eBooksDevelop proofs-of-concept for the use of DOIs with eBooksDevelop technical demonstrations, possibly including a prototype eBook Registration Agency."It ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Future of electronic publishing
- UNESCO's somewhat arbitrary definition of "book" is: "Non-periodical printed publication of at least 49 pages excluding covers".The emergence of electronic publishing was supposed to change all that. Yet a bloodbath of unusual proportions has taken place in the last few months. Time Warner's iPublish and MightyWords (partly owned by Barnes and Noble) were the last in a string of resounding ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Medium and the message
- A debate is raging in e-publishing circles: should content be encrypted and protected (the Barnes and Noble or Digital goods model) - or should it be distributed freely and thus serve as a form of viral marketing (Seth Godin's "ideavirus")? Publishers fear that freely distributed and cost-free "cracked" e-books will cannibalize print books to oblivion.The more paranoid point at the music in...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Create your own ezine traffic machine
- How would you like to reach millions of people with your products and service for free?That is exactly what occurs when you start writing articles and submitting them to hundreds of ezines. Currently there are tens of thousands of ezine publishers online and almost all of them have one thing in common. They are all looking for good content to publish in their newsletter.If you have g...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Review of ezine announcer
- The most critical piece of software in my article submission arsenal is EzineAnnouncer. I've been using EzineAnnouncer, developed by Jason Potash, for ten months with a great deal of success and just a little aggravation.EzineAnnouncer automates ezine submission to directories and announcement lists, registration of articles in directories, submission of articles to ezines and article annou...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Start your own ezine newsletter & profit!
- The information listed here is worth more than gold. if you apply these simple list building plans and techniques, we guarantee you will see results. you may not get the results as fast as you want to, but don't worry. all list building strategies take time and when properly used correctly, will be more rewarding than you can possibly imagine.ONLINEMake your website an "attention gra...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Internet marketing strategy: 9 pragmatic ways increase your e-zines subscription
- It is possible to increase the subscription to your e-zine or newsletter.You can do so by implementing the internet marketing strategy below:(1) Hold an ongoing prize drawing in your e-zine. The prizes Should be something of interest or value to your subscribers.Most people who enter will continually read each issue for the results.(2) Be 100% OriginalGive your s...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Some things i have learned about the exciting world of ezines
- 1. Don't ever stop advertising for new subscribers.I know this one seems kind of basic, but it is extremely important. Subscribers are the lifeblood of your ezine. If your ezine isn't getting new subscribers then that means it is dying. That's not a good thing.When I was doing nanowrimo(National Novel Writing Month) last year, I didn't do any new advertising for subscribers and my su...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Publish articles online: start with your own ezine
- So, you want to publish articles online? It's really quite simple, and it's a great way to promote yourself or your product. But where do you begin? This is actually quite simple too. I started in the online publishing business about a year and a half ago. I read about how a person could make pretty good money by selling information on the Internet, and I had some good information to share....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 ways, how to get significant exposure for free
- Ezine are one of the best source of information on the web today. They are generally free and can make a huge impact marketing success if used correctly. Ezines may include ads, articles, jokes, quotes, advertorials, business opps, brief up dates about the publisher's site or business, testimonial and much more.The word "ezine" is short for electronic magazine, also known as a newsletter. T...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Coping with those dreaded ezine publishing deadlines
- Time, of course, doesn't stand still and never did, and it's no wonder at all that in this highly pressurized modern world of ours, time is regarded as a valuable commodity or precious resource.Articles, books and courses on Time Management abound online and off. What is interesting is that the higher a person is positioned in a business or professional hierarchy, the more he or she is perc...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 6 important tips for choosing ezine to advertise in
- Did you ever wonder why some business owners seem to be able to pull in all the business they want, while others ? perhaps you ?can't seem to get any momentum? More often than not, it is because the successful ones have learned from marketing experts what works and what doesn't work in their marketing and promotional materials. Some marketing secrets seem to be secrets simply because they're widel...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 7 techniques for generating subscribers to a newsletter
- Imagine you are sitting at home relaxing reading a book and sipping on ice cold lemonade, your friend calls you up to tell you about a new product on the market.You can't help but get excited because you know your subscribers will be interested!After signing up for the products affiliate program you send a recommendation of that product to your subscribers and instantly net yourself some ca...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The plain truth about branding for newsletter publishers and web designers
- Branding, or brand marketing as some now call it, is one of the buzzwords of public relations and marketing. I searched several dictionaries in vain for a precise definition of this high profile concept as it is applied in the business world. The closest I got was the one that explained the verb "to brand" as "to impress firmly." On the other hand, perhaps I wasn't so unlucky af...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Become an e-book author ... make money from your knowledge!
- "E-Book" is short for Electronic Book---an organized set of content delivered in an electronic format. There are many different types of e-books including packaged executables, PDF, and formats for the handheld computer.As with so many of the original e-books, your e-book doesn't have to be about Making Money or Internet Marketing---people are interested in many other things. What makes an ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Increase your website popularity with 500 words
- Are you looking to increase your relevancy in the search engines? You probably have heard that increasing the links to your site has an impact on your listing. But did you know you can do it without waiting, or asking other sites to link to you themselves?If you can write a 500-1000 word article about your business, you can increase your links in 24 hours.Here's the secret: Every art...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Search engines can be the online writers best friend
- It's an exciting time for online writers, with a wide array of options. With desire and well-directed effort, a good writer can end up with a variety of work. However, as we know, there is much more to the writing biz than the meat and potatoes of the actual writing. Research, record-keeping, finding markets, composing and sending queries, dealing with rejections and self-promotion all factor in, ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 benefits of using newsletter templates
- 1. Time saver. To get going make a quick visit to http://www.free-newslettertemplates.com/newsletter_templates.html and grab some templates for free. You could then have a basic newsletter ready to send in no more then 10-15 minutes. The template will work as a guide, saving you up to hours of work.2. The obvious format issue. Use the same template when sending your newsletters and they wil...
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