Ezine articles
Showing page 4 of 11 - There are 317 Ezine articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Where and how to get information for your newsletter and ezines
- With the rapid expansion and diversion of commerce, manufacturers, career seekers and even hobbyist move into more and more specialized areas of endeavor, there is an increase need for more information. Newsletters and ezines are the high profit way to cash in on that market for specialized information. This means any profitable newsletter or ezines must have valuable information and of renewable ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Getting subscribers for your newsletter is as simple as this...
- Having a newsletter is one thing but how many subscribers do you have? Or are you ok with the number of subscribers you have? If you are not satisfied with the answer, then this article is for you. This article will show you how a simple approach did it did it for me, so now is your turn.A good way of achieving this is through writing an article for submission in newsletters and ezines. Let...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - An overlooked fr~e advertising opportunity
- When you have an online business you need to utilize every possible avenue of advertising and promotion. As I sign up for more ezines and discussion groups, I am finding numerous publishers are overlooking a very effective and fr~e advertising opportunity.After I sign up for an ezine or email discussion group, I await the welcome letter for guidelines and to learn a bit more about the ezine...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Explode your business
- You can make a decent income selling products and services but you can become insanely rich by creating and controlling markets.That's what I'll help you to do.You see the Internet is the cheapest and easiest way to attract and capture people who are interested in what you have to offer.How?Ezines, newsletters, e-courses, Internet magazines. (They are all the same nothi...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Finding the gold with ezines and google!
- HiHow'd you go with your product search?Here's another way to help you find out if there's a market for your idea.Go to http://ezinearticles.com/ or http://new-list.com/ and you can subscribe to e-zines that have your keywords as topics in them.When these e-zines come in, you can check out what the competition are doing with the type of advertisements they are running....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 critical things to do before you spend a dime in advertising
- "Research?"Let's say it again?"Research"?Grrrrrrrr.The word "research" can make many eBusiness owners cringe. Why? Because it sounds like such hard work.Let's analyse the word itself. "Search" means to go looking for something and "re" means "again". Put them together and it means to go looking for something ag...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The magic button that earns $3,546 or more
- Ever wonder how a "guru" earns $3,546 or more just by pressing a button?The first thing a newbie learns when landing on the Internet is that it is full of hype. Hype this. Hype that. But when you cut through the hype, there is one simple truth. If you want to make real money on the Internet, you have to build an opt-in list.This is the simple truth the gurus understand. They are, aft...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The biggest mistakes that can spell doom for you as a newsletter publisher and how to avoid them
- A lot of newsletter publishers spend a great deal of time wondering why they are not making money with their newsletters. Most of them expect to make so much money on getting started but they become disappointed with poor results.The reasons are not far-fetched. They are making the biggest mistakes that can only guarantee failure.It is important therefore for you to know what these m...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to increase your sales from your newsletter
- The first and most important thing you should know when thinking of your own newsletter is that YOU can do it. Yes, you can write your own newsletter. There is nothing much to it if you are ready to do it.If you can write a letter or a note to someone, then you can write your own newsletter. Better still, if you can talk to someone convincingly then you can write your own newsletter. Knowin...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Email newsletter format: html or text
- An email newsletter is probably the most effective way to communicate with your target audience. One of the main considerations before you create and deliver an email newsletter is what format to use: HTML or Text.Until a few years ago, some email programs couldn't handle HTML. Nowadays that is not an issue, since most email programs are HTML compatible: AOL versions 6 and higher, Internet ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 power packed tips to increase your ezine publishing success
- 1. Use autoresponders to publish and promote your ezine.Autoresponders with a broadcast feature are a low cost way to begin publishing your own mailing lists including your own text based, HTML or web based ezine that increases your sales.Your autoresponders can also be used to successfully promote your ezine by delivering sample issues of your ezine to your visitors, or you could us...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why dont my subscribers listen to me?
- I received a very good question from a subscriber and I wanted to share it with you:"I have almost 500 people sigend up to receive my newsletter but each time I send it 8-9 open it and 1 =3 click onto the website. Now what do I do?"Honestly, there could a lot of factors involved in the low open rate. If 8 or 9 actually open it and then you get 1-3 click...that's pretty good. But the ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The end of email, ezines and online marketing?
- Ok, it's time to bring out my soapbox.Something has been bothering me for over a month now, and it just keeps getting worse, so I am afraid it's time to talk about it.Some of the readers may not appreciate this, but I think it's something that needs to be looked at and I think you will appreciate it, when others may start thinking I have lost my marbles again.I want to apologi...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Free ezine advertising that works!
- When I say free ezine advertising, I'm not talking about the free ezine ads that some publishers offer, this technique is FAR more powerful than that.One of the best ways to get free traffic to your site, is to write articles for ezines.Now before you shudder and click away, it isn't that hard to write a good article.If you've got a bout of writers block, just search for info ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Need ezine content - think holidays
- Publishing an ezine certainly has its benefits and rewards, but even the most prolific publishers often need more content ideas, topics and graphics.One of the best resources for newsletter and ezine publishers is holidays; they are a true gift because they can provide an overall theme, a topic, graphics, as well as content. They can add a little spice to your usual, consistent branded news...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 tips on offering a free ecourse
- 1. Make your ecourse short like 5 - 7 days. The longer the ecourse easy for your subscriber to forget the matter of your previous emails.2. Use double opt-in follow up autoresponders to stop accusitions of spam.http://www.scripts4webmasters.com/arpproadv/index.shtml3. Write one ecourse to promo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ebook rebranding - the new ebook marketing power?
- Well, it is definitely yes!In the early day of internet marketing, giving away ebook free was a very good list-building strategy. It worked extremely well. But it is no longer the case in TODAY scenario. Giving away your ebook free is just not enough for your online business. You'll need to do something different.The net is so saturated with the free ebook because every one is giving...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 8 effective ezine publishing tips to put you ahead of the game
- 1. Swap sponsor, feature, or solo ads with other ezine publishers.Your swaps will create a win-win situation as both you and the other publisher will successfully get profitable promotion at no cost.Swap your ads for at least three issues in a row or three solo ads for three solo ads to get the greatest results from these swaps.2. Provide your visitors with a bonus for subscri...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Internet marketing idea: publish an ezine
- Chances are if you surf the net much you have noticed that almost every website offers a free newsletter or ezine in some form or other. Wonder why someone would go to so much trouble to publish a newsletter and offer it for free? The answer is because it is a brilliant Internet marketing idea. True, it does take some work to publish a quality ezine, however the benefits you can reap in sales for ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ezine publishing donts
- When I teach ezine classes, I ask the students what they've disliked about the newsletters they've subscribed to. What makes them push that "delete button" or unsubscribe? Below are some of their answers."Too many clicks." Give them an easy way to subscribe or unsubscribe. Don't make them have to click, and click, and click to find your subscription box."Tell us what's there." Includ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - You can develop an e-zine even if you dont enjoy writing!
- Do you know that many business owners market their businesses by writing content for their online newsletters (e-zine)? And if you don't enjoy writing, the authors make those articles available to you.You can find both articles in article directories and article bank located on the Internet. Do you know the difference?Article directories are one-way places on a Web site where the sit...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 valuable tips for ezine publishers
- 1. Write your own articles.Your articles will give you an effective way to build up your status as an expert by sharing your tips and advice with your readers.Your articles will also help you to effectively promote your business through your resource box at the end of your articles.Use your articles to get more subscribers by submitting them to article directories and announce...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 useful free services for e-publishers
- If you want to have an online business, without doubt, you should have your own newsletter. Why is that important? Most people won't buy your product on their first visit to your web site. They need your advice to buy exactly your product because "it is the best, the cheapest" etc. You can tell them when you will make an update, to visit your site again, and so you get repeat visits. You should pr...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Newsletter formatting
- Formatting your text newsletter correctly can make a failure into a success! Learn how to do it, and why.Why using a text newsletter?Sending an email (newsletter) in text format instead of word or html format will allow everyone on the internet to read it. No special software or utility will be needed.However, to really make it work, consider the following.? Make...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Newsletter software
- Newsletter SoftwareWhat types of newsletter software can I use to make the creation and publishing of my newsletter an easier task?Newsletter Software can be divided into different categories.1. Executable newsletter software 2. Scripted newsletter softwareExecutable Newsletter SoftwareThis is a program you download and install on your own computer. Software ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 3 steps to success building the relationships
- Marketing is a broad business subject that encompasses a range of activities including advertising, public relations, sales, promotions and building relationships.Building relationships-often called networking-is a vital foundation for the building of a strong business of any size. Start by building relationships with other like-minded people and those with whom you share interests. The mor...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - E-power the e-zine advantage
- "Regular communication with your customers is essential to your success." - Heidi Richards -E-zines - The alternative of choice for many companies is a great way to market your company. All you need is an e-mail account and permission from your customers/clients to send the e-zine. In fact, I have found e-zines to be so powerful that I write and produce 4 a month. And I am working on a 5th ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ezine advertising strategy exposed-15 tips to boost your profits
- In my opinion, Electronic Magazine (Ezine) advertising is the greatest, untapped source of online advertising available today.The reason: Ezine Advertising (EA) matches your product or idea to people with similar interests.Example: who better to sell your health product to than a large group of people subscribed to a health newsletter? Or, you could pitch a business opportunity to a ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Tips on using constant contact to create your company newsletter
- If you run your own business like I do, you don't have much time to spend fudging around with new programs. Here are some tricks I picked up while using Constant Contact's email marketing software to create my company newsletter.First things first: gather up some subscribers!Before you do anything, place the subscriber sign-up box on your website, and anywhere else that your p...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 ways you can make a huge impression with your ezine welcome message
- Many times I receive a Welcome Message from someone after I subscribe to their ezine that leaves me wondering what I just jumped into. A welcome message is one of your first contacts with your subscriber, and it should say something that sets you apart from everyone else right at the get-go. It is, after all, one of your first impressions with prospective customers ? and first impressions absolute...
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