Emarketing articles
Showing page 33 of 99 - There are 2959 Emarketing articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Identify the ideal target audience with these 5 tips
- Narrowing your focus to one primary group of people is often difficult for small business owners. They want to help everyone - and very often their product or service CAN help a variety of people.It also goes against human nature to narrow your focus in order to grow a business. Common sense seems to tell us if we want to grow our business big, we need to appeal to more people.In rea...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Promotions for mobile detailers
- Mobile businesses are quite unique in the way they must promote to stay in the customers mind; it takes creativity, savvy planning and a lot of listening to your customers. After years running a franchise system in 23 states with mobile detailing units everywhere. We learned quickly that professional auto detailing is more than just showing up on time, maintaining your customer base and looking sh...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Client attraction technique #1: niche marketing
- When asked "what business are you in" many business owners often identify an industry, for example, "I'm an accountant" or "I run a beauty salon " or "I own a restaurant." But claiming to be part of an industry is not what attracts customers. Customers come to you because you offer a specialty. For example, which advert are you mostly likely to respond to:Advert 1: "Established since 1...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Signage for mobile car wash vehicles
- If you are in the mobile car wash business and you should be. Then you know that your clean work vehicles is your best piece of advertising. But what type of signage should you put on it? Your work vehicles will be very visible in the parking lots while you are working. It will be seen all day long as it is driven around town and when it is parked and you are working. The truck should be used as a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Key marketing questions - planning your marketing campaign
- So you started a business. How's it going? Did you think about marketing when you began planning for your business? Marketing is how you get the word out about your business. Marketing will ultimately determine if you succeed or fail. So, how can you succeed? What questions should you be asking yourself? Here are the BIG FIVE!WHO DO I WANT AS A CUSTOMER?Let's say you were trying to s...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Principles of marketing 101
- Marketing results should be measured in only one way ? increased sales. Marketing should not be considered an art form. Its mere existence is not enough. Marketing is the first step to the sale. There are seven underlying principles upon which to base your marketing strategy and efforts. Follow them and your business will be a raving success. Violate them and you will fail as so many small busines...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Customizing booklets by industry or by company
- Customizing booklets can be done by industry or by company."110 Ideas for Organizing Your Travel Business Office" or "110 Ideas for Organizing Your Beauty Salon" or "110 Ways for Organizing Your Fitness Center" are examples of customizing a generic booklet about organizing your business life according to specific industries."110 Ideas for Organizing Your Business Life" with a logo on...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Increase sales with travel incentives
- Today's business environment has changed dramatically over the past 10 years, it can be a tough task to make a sale. Just being aggressive doesn't cut it any longer. Sales skills alone aren't enough to compete when so many new products and services become everyday commodities. Consumers nowadays are being smart. You've got to distinctively separate your business from the competition and lead each ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Direct marketing puts information in the buyer?s hands
- Direct marketing is advertising from a manufacturer or front-end supplier directed to the ultimate consumer of a product or service. Another way of looking at direct marketing is selling to a consumer directly, whether is from a printed magazine campaign, TV or radio spot, or from a direct mail package. It means that salespeople are not physically moving your product; promotions are. Direct market...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The lone wolf is blind
- When Advertising, it's not always better to be the lone wolf.Before using a certain medium to advertise, consider those that went before you. If you are thinking of advertising in a newspaper for example, consider how many of your competitors are in the same paper. If you don't see any competitors at all, there may be a good reason for it.Don't think for one moment that your the firs...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - B2b marketing tips - create an interactive online experience for clients
- Business to business communications on the web are as stale as a piece of week old toast.As a marketing director you want to give your company the biggest bang for it's marketing buck.Here are five tips to help you do that:1. Offer an Electronic newsletterElectronic newsletters are easy to implement and even easier to maintain.Through offering an electroni...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How architecture rendering is part of the impact
- Cartoons have gone from celluloid to digital. Movies have gone from cinematography to computer graphics imaging. And architecture rendering has gone from pastels and paint pigments to fractals and figments.The many benefits of architecture rendering in two-dimensions were enough to sell the simplest or grandest of homes. But the limitations were frustrating, too. Real blueprints had a limit...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 11 ways to turnaround a cash-strapped business or practice
- This past weekend I received a disturbing message from a dear friend. His business wasn't generating all the income he needed. He's exhausted all savings, started depleting credit card reserves and badly needed money to pay this month's mortgage... Ouch! I wish I knew sooner...Whether it's pride or just human nature that keeps professionals from asking for help sooner, it's just plain silly...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to save time and achieve more by creating high-leverage marketing assets
- The single biggest, non-renewable asset you have is your time. There are only three things you can do with it: waste it, sell it, or invest it. As an entrepreneur or a service professional, what you do with your time acutely impacts how much money you can make.If this year you want to make clients come to you, earn a six figure income, become the expert in your chosen field, positively impa...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Discover the winning marketing strategy secrets of donald trump apprentice wanna-bes
- The highly entertaining Donald Trump's search for an apprentice turned into a hit reality TV show captured attention of millions of Americans and week after week delivered great insights into leadership, business and marketing savvy.In one of the episodes Trump challenged the two opposing teams of apprentice wannabes (Apex and Mosaic) to put together a bridal gown sale.Each team had ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Effective marketing for small businesses
- Effective marketing for the small business begins with market researchIf you don't know who your customers are, how on earth are you going to reach them? The most effective small business marketing strategies are the most highly targeted ones: the ones which are based on a clear understanding of who their target audience is. What's your target age group and income bracket? What publications...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Getting personal ? innovative marketing for small business owners
- The small business marketing strategy you can't afford to miss Everyone loves a story. Even if you don't particularly like reading them chances are you love watching them, either on TV or at the movies. Imagine if your marketing literature was like a great story: people would read it from beginning to end for one thing (as opposed to just throwing it straight into the bin), and they'd be more like...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Googspy: business counter intelligence for everyone
- So, you want to know what your competitors are up to these days, or maybe you want to research a keyword campaign that will rank you at the top of the heap for whatever product or service you're selling? Meet GoogSpy, a special search engine that not only shows you what Google AdWords your competitors are buying, but it will display all of the search terms that rank them in the top 10, PLUS it eve...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Know thy competition
- BREAK FROM HO-HUM MARKETING ? IT'S TOO BORING! Once you break from ho-hum marketing, and learn to put your deeper beliefs and values into your promotion, a remarkable thing will happen: You will beat your competitors at every turn, attract precisely those clients who really need and appreciate the products or services your company provides, and have a really good time in your business. In othe...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Finding your niche: what do you want to be known for?
- In my experience, there are two kinds of small business owners: one that knows whom their market niche is and utilize it, and another who tends to waiver or not want to "set in stone" their target market. With the latter group, I always probe for more information: Why don't you want to choose a specific target for your product/service? Time and time again, the response is the same "...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Beyond repair: the fixed-price model
- Don't get me wrong. I certainly don't think the majority of vendors who use a fixed-price model are trying to rip you off. In fact, when I started my business that's the way we worked-which is why we have such great insight into the flaws in the system. But there needs to be a transparency to the work. You need to know exactly what you're getting, how long it takes, and how much it costs. You need...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The 3 unknown steps of marketing success
- To be your own marketing expert you first need to know where to begin. It's no good learning how to be a good copywriter, if you don't know what medium is best to promote your work through.So the first step of marketing success is understanding what strategies are available for you in your business.From my own years of research I have found 74 different ways to generate a potential c...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The secret to 100% success with your marketing
- There's a secret to marketing, which is so simple, yet so effective once you learn it and apply it, you'll be amazed at the great results you can produce. This secret will prevent you from failing with your marketing pieces.Before I go on, lets start with establishing common ground to begin with.My definition of marketing is? communicating with potential customers in emotionally bene...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing to women
- Recent studies concerning the "new world of women" have been released. Some of the major findings may be surprising to you (less so if you are a woman). Today's woman is so busy, her life is full. She doesn't have enough time for herself. She certainly doesn't have a lot of time for your marketing message. So what do you need to do to reach her?Fact #1: Fifty-nine percent of women...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing with brochures
- With the explosion of the internet and online businesses many business owners forget how important it is to market offline as well. One of the main pieces in your company's marketing should be a brochure. You should have a brochure for your online and offline marketing.Brochures have many advantages over most other marketing tools available to you. Probably the most important advantage is t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Stay in touch with leads and get more closes
- How many leads have come into your business since the beginning of time that never closed? That is a salient question. Who knows how many, but I bet there are a lot.Whether a small company or a large one with a sales force, the leads that are always best are the ones that are easy to close. But what about the prospects that were reached but never closed? They are in an abyss - The Unclosed ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Crm system: give meaning to your data
- A customer relationship system (CRM) system uses technologically-driven strategies to assess customer needs and buying behavior. This allows businesses to market their products and services more effectively. The ever-increasing level of technology available to a CRM system can, however, provide an overwhelming amount of information to a company, not all of it useful. Large corporations compile eno...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 5 print ad essentials!
- Writing an effective print ad, particularly a classified advertisement, requires that you remember five essential points. Failure to implement these points correctly can cost you much in the way of time lost and a sale missed.You've just cleaned out the attic and straightened up the garage. You've identified items you no longer need, but they certainly have a cash value to them. You could r...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to manage your marketing mix
- Here's the deal: advertisement is not marketing. It's like saying you want to have a garden, but you're only willing to plant the flowers. Forget about watering, fertilizer, good soil, weeding and sunshine. You don't need them, right?Wrong. And the same goes for generating revenue. Done in a vacuum, none of these tactics will get you what you want. For professional services - where your rel...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Census data mapping for small business
- When studying the demographics of an area for a business venture or expansion you need to not only understand all the data, but what it means to your individual business model. Census data and Census projection charting for MSDA's has become very accurate over the years. One company that uses ESRI's ARC Info has data, which it sells called Tiger Files (Census Blocks). This is data by 650 household...