Emarketing articles
Showing page 31 of 99 - There are 2959 Emarketing articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Simple marketing idea - big marketing results!
- Have you ever noticed how many times it's the simplest concepts that end up working the best?The same is so true when it comes to marketing. I'm constantly amazed at just how powerful some of the simplest concepts are. I've seen simple marketing ideas that cost next to nothing and really require little to no additional extra work begin to make a company an extra thousand or more a mo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Big ticket marketing in 28 minutes
- I read an article recently about how many mainstream retail companies are using the standard 28 minute infomercial to more effectively target customers and sell their products.Now, I have to confess, I have never used an infomercial to market a Big Ticket product. But I have purchased many products after watching infomercials. The evidence is the Bowflex machine sitting upstairs in our spar...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What?s next? a guide to marketing your new business
- Coming up with an idea, seizing the opportunity, and setting up a business was the relatively easy part. Now you are ready for the challenge of finding your customers, or at least make it easy for your customers to find you. Here are some tips for marketing your new and growing business.Know & Understand your CustomersFind out or decide who your customers will be. Then find out as mu...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing planning made simple - another small business power tool
- Marketing planning must be really difficult and complex, otherwise why would there be so many books written on the subject ? right?Well, I'm just enough of a skeptic to believe that many of these books were designed more to make money for their publishers and authors than to make marketing planning simple and understandable.I spent more than 30 years working with very successful smal...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why you buy, part two
- More of the findings of the recent studies in behavioral economics:Webers LawA change of stimulus is more emotional and motivational, according to the base: Most subjects tested would drive across town to save $10 on a $20 item, for example, but not to save $10 on a $500 item. The lesson for sales people? If you won't lose a sale on a thousand-dollar couch over $10, sell the o...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Packaging trends you cannot overlook (part #2)
- Part #26) Food safety is becoming paramount.What this means to you: No longer are the words tampering and bio terrorism buzz phrases. They are facts of life. Product integrity will become increasingly important to consumers. New packaging ideas have been developed in response to growing food manufacturer fears about food safety and tampering. Packaging is likely to perform a key role...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Be prepared for marketing
- For most businesses, making a sale is all important. However, despite the amount of effort and attention given to getting sales, there is often no attention given to developing and effectively implementing a systematic marketing process. There are many things that can go wrong between the point of the customer first developing an interest in your product or service and the time of making the sale....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Whats your marketing weak link?
- Your marketing weak link could be undermining the rest of your marketing. It is vital that each link in your marketing system supports and builds upon the previous link. Each link must bring your customer closer to the next sale. Any link that takes the customer further away from the sale, makes your marketing program inefficient and causes you to lose money.There are many areas where the s...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How gratitude works
- Want to know what the highest-impact, lowest-cost tool is in your marketing toolkit? First, here are ten reasons to start using this tool right away:1. It won't get tossed out with the rest of the junk mail.2. It builds a genuine bond with the recipient.3. It's personal, a 1:1 "marketing touch," and customized.4. It costs less than 40 cents.5. It takes ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Market planning -- getting the word out
- "There are those who get things done and those who think about getting things done." --Col. Wesley L. Fox, USMC (Ret)Marketing cannot be hit or miss; it must be part of your business model. Formal market planning systematically addresses getting profitable new business while maintaining and increasing the profitability of your current business (busy people often overlook opportuni...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 packaging tips that will make consumers buy your product
- The customer is king/queen. We have all heard this mantra. It's up to you, the supplier, to prove it so. With these ten tips you will be a lot closer to proving that you are on top of industry trends and technologies for the packaging industry.1) Understand the customer. The problem today is that one package may not satisfy the needs and requirements of all buyers. There are numerous niche ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Packaging trends you cannot overlook (part #1):
- 1) People are buying in smaller quantities. Our busy lifestyle keeps many people from eating at home on a daily basis. Gone are the days of the sit down dinner with the entire family. When these occasions due occur it's usually a holiday or a special occasion.What this means to you: People are looking for smaller sized packages and are willing to pay a premium. An example is the 3-pack baki...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why you buy
- Behavioral economics is a new science that sheds light on some of our most important decisions. It is the study of how and why people make money-related choices. Here are some of the things the studies have shown thus far:Decision ParalysisOne study showed that customers spent more when given four samples of jam to taste than when they had twenty to choose from. Too many choic...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Spice it up! rib festival teaches us about product value
- The Rib America Festival is a fun filled family event featuring award winning BBQ and live entertainment from national, regional and local talent. Each rib cooker features their very own special cooking strategy and recipes that make for a truly unique food festival experience.My Dad and I attend every year. And it's our tradition to sample a few ribs from each of the cookers and ultimately...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Target marketing - what are you aiming for?
- Is Advertising Viable?At the turn of the 20th century, department store magnate J.C. Penney acknowledged, "Fifty percent of my advertising doesn't work." When questioned why he continued to do it all, he replied, "Because I don't know which half isn't working."Over the course of the last century, most traditional advertisers accepted this situation as a reality th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Neuromarketing: smart marketing or jedi mind control trick?
- In the international bestseller "Blink," Malcolm Gladwell explains why our decisions to choose brands, select a mate, sue our doctor or make choices that decide Presidential elections, aren't as simple as they seem.Why we often let unconscious biases affect our opinions about people who are taller or have a different skin colour. And why we find it even harder to explain them when asked....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Improving lead generating and conversation rates: think like a farmer
- John's a freelance photographer in Ohio who called to tell me of his frustration with the advertising and promotional campaigns he has tried in the last couple of years. Each time he does a promotional mailing to his list of 10,000, he is lucky if he gets one or two inquiries. I had a similar call from a corporation that was spending its time and money driving traffic to its web site. With six tho...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Catalogs are selling machines
- If you've got a mailbox, you're no doubt aware of the popularity of catalogs. People love to look through catalogs, and more important, they love to buy from catalogs. But mailing catalogs can be expensive. You've got to send a lot of them out, and many of them are going to non-productive destinations-- in other words, most mailings don't just go to sure-fire customers. On the other hand, there ar...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Trade shows are not a waste!
- According to the Center for Exhibition Industry Research (the trade association for trade shows), industry spends more than $60 billion annually on trade show participation, more than the expenditures for magazines, radio and outdoor billboards combined! And, trade shows are more cost-effective than direct selling when it comes to reaching new customers.But, despite the abundance of opportu...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Linking features & benefits
- I'm sure that you've had those Eureka! moments, too. When a piece of information suddenly helped you see or understand something that hadn't been apparent before.For me, one came when I discovered means-end analysis, a marketing concept that helps us understand why listeners or readers might respond -- or not respond -- to our messages. It does this by clarifying the relationship between pr...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Generational marketing
- Having run a multi-state franchise company with multiple brands it became obvious to me early on that if one were to properly respond to the needs and desires of your customer base; you must indeed, understand generational marketing. The X'ers have a completely different mindset than the "Boomers" or the "Matures." As I thought about this I also realized that it did not matter ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Read your markets mind - 3 great market research resources
- Starting a new online business, developing a new product, launching a new marketing campaign, buying advertising can all depend on how well you are able to research your market.All business is based on demand.The formula and 40 techniques for finding demand we list in "The Ultimate Information Entrepreneur's Success Package" at http://www.infoproductcreator.com show that there are ma...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - A perfect partnership for business
- Too often we small business owners get caught up in our day-to-day bottom line, and miss the needs of the community outside our door. By doing this, we miss an opportunity to include "socially responsible marketing" -or sponsorship- in our yearly promotional plan. Sponsorship is a perfect collaboration, considering the similarities that entrepreneurs and non-profit organizations have in ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Increase your sales by following-up
- The difference between a successful business and one that just gets by is that the business that is just getting by thinks that the marketing is over when the sale has been made.One of the main reasons customers leave, change suppliers, or stop buying is because of apathy on the part of the company. There is never any follow-up after the sale. Customers often feel neglected. They feel that ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Client attraction technique #3: study the competition!
- One very powerful and cost-effective marketing strategy is to study the competition. This is an important exercise, as essentially it allows you to find out as much as possible about the opposition ? how best they operate, what they lack and then how to capitalise on it!Study the Competition OfflineStart by reviewing the Yellow Pages, the Thomson Local or even go online to determine ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Making your mark with the millennials
- Generation Y--The second-largest crop of young people in America's history, offspring of the Boomers-80 million of them, nearly 27 percent of the U.S. population-are in their late teens and 20s, and already a market force to be reckoned with.The Millennials are here big time! "They're demanding their own music, defining their own trends and starting to matter to advertisers, to retaile...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top five tips for marketing that gets results
- When marketing your practice, as well as designing your brochure, website, business card, flier, advertisement, or other marketing effort, I recommend investing the time and effort needed to effectively address the following:Tip #1: MARKET FOR YOUR DESIRED PROSPECTS, NOT YOURSELFWhat looks good to you is not necessarily effective for your desired audience. Do your market research and...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What can star wars teach you about creating a buzz for your business?
- Many people think marketing is some type of mystery that only a few select people know the secret too. In fact if you look at the entertainment industry you will find some of the best models to follow. Let's look at George Lucas and Star Wars. How long before the movie came out did you know it was coming? How many different places did you see an ad for it, someone talking about it, or writing abou...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing to hispanics/latinos
- A powerful consumer market with annual spending power exceeding $350 billion, Hispanics-or should that be Latinos?-have become the largest minority group in the United States, and a marketplace well-worth looking into and with plenty to see--once you get the labels straight.Is it "Hispanics" or "Latinos"?Hispanics and Latinos have hotly debated that questio...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Pricing strategies in marketing
- Price is an often overlooked marketing strategy, as many tend to focus on promotions or advertising. Pricing strategies, however, can have a large impact on sales and (more importantly) profit. The price is what your customer pays and/or what the end consumer pays for a product or service. In the case of products not sold directly to the end user, pricing is often described as "wholesale"...