Emarketing articles
Showing page 26 of 99 - There are 2959 Emarketing articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Advertising your private practice: beware of the problems-part 1
- One of the biggest mistakes coaches, counselors and other healing professionals make is to assume that they must advertise their private practice in order to get clients. These professionals often tell me they have spent a lot of money on advertising with minimal, if any, results. Many become discouraged with advertising, and some even give up on the idea of having a private practice assuming they...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Overcoming resistances to marketing a practice-part 2
- In Part 1 of this article, "Resistances to Marketing a Practice" the seven most common resistances helping and healing professionals (counsellors, therapists, naturopaths, homeopathetic doctors, massage therapists, body workers, etc.) have to marketing a practice were identified. This article identifies 10 strategies for overcoming these fears and resistances so that you will have a successful pri...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Successful marketing through seminars
- One of the best ways for potential clients to find out about you and your company is through public speaking. Free seminars attract potential clients. It is a chance for them to get information straight from you. You are the best marketing tool for your business. Speaking to groups is nothing more than a large conversation. It is powerful and efficient marketing.By making the seminar free, ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 8 instant ways to create consistently successful marketing campaigns
- It's almost a given that when I speak to a new client, she tells me how much she's always hated marketing herself. "I'm no good at it" and "No matter what I try, it doesn't work" are common complaints.Worse, many small shops hate marketing so much that they literally avoid it entirely, or do marketing using the "dribs and drabs" method -- you know, a drib here, a drab there.In order ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing flat? is it your plan or your vision?
- 60+ hour workweeks, cash flows that constantly keep you up at night, stress and more stress again. Payroll due in two days (where the heck is that going to come from?) Does this sound like your business? Is your business a job with the most fickle, disloyal boss of all..... the customer? I know, I've been there. I've watched first hand as the cash flow I desperately needed walked out the door with...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Guerrilla marketing in action
- Guerrilla Marketing is using time, energy and imagination to market a product, business or person without spending massive amounts of hard earned profit dollars. It also has been defined as non-traditional marketing, something unusual, unexpected and designed to be noticed. Of course all marketing is designed to be notice. Its just that some isn't, believe it or not.There are many examples ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing secrets #101- your most important sale
- Which sale is the most important one you will ever get from a client?I'll bet you're thinking it's your first sale with a new client. Well, it's not. It's surprising to find out that a second-time buyer is at least twice as likely to buy from you again, when compared to a first-time buyer.The second-time client will usually buy again because you have proved that you add value to his/...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Trapped in your comfort zone? break out and send your marketing skyrocketing
- A marketer whose advice I generally respect recently published an article about how to find your comfort zone and stick to it in your business in order to create a more harmonious work environment.In theory, it makes sense. Most of us have gone into business for ourselves to have more control over our own destinies, financially and otherwise.In reality, however, settling into a routi...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Simple marketing strategies versus an seo line of attack!
- Each and every day those of us on the Internet are bombarded with information about Search Engine Optimization and all that goes along with it. For the majority of folks who are promoting a business online, this can often lead to confusion especially when it comes to understanding key words, meta tags and title tags. But the real issue is not necessarily in how many people are finding your site, b...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Postcard direct mail marketing tips and ideas
- Postcards are perhaps the least expensive way of reaching a large number of people with your sales message. Although they have their drawbacks, they are cost-effective at attracting new customers. But only if you follow some simple rules that professional direct mail copywriters follow.Grab their attention on Side A Side A is the side with the picture on it. One beauty of a direc...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - For ongoing success, make marketing a habit
- Make Marketing a Must, Not a MaybeWhen business is booming, it's easy to put marketing on the back burner. Why focus attention on getting new customers when you already have all you can handle? The reason is simple: when things slow down, you want to have new clients in the pipeline. Make marketing part of your habit. The most efficient way to do this is to create structure around yo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to use direct response post card decks as a valuable market research tool
- Market research specialists have discovered a new tool which enables them to quickly identify target market cells, measure buyer acceptance, test new product or service concepts quickly and inexpensively and survey market characteristics...the Direct Response Card Deck.For two to four cents per contact, the researcher can now gather market intelligence from both specialized vertical markets...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Mortgage marketing - how to find your niche
- Ann Landers, Dr. Phil and Roger Ebert take pleasure in being recognized as leading experts in their respective fields. Because of this status they enjoy greater visibility and reputation than their peers. So instead of having to cold call or advertise for new clients, they benefit from prospects seeking them out. Yet, when you study these experts closely you realize that they're no more ta...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Secret marketing plan
- Many people have asked me what was the secret to our market domination? Hello, my name is Lance Winslow and I am the founder of The Car Wash Guys. Before now I have not disclosed my secrets of grass roots market; a strategic plan we used city after city to market our franchised outlets in 23 states. I named the plan Bonzai and Blitz Marketing. Yes, Bonzai is spelled incorrectly. Bonsai is the corr...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Small business bonzai marketing
- Do you own a small business? Do you wish to increase sales? Do you wish to draw more customers into your store or find more customers for your service business? You can do this for a relatively low cost by building as small sales team of high-energy people. Direct Sales marketing will help increase your business, future referrals and image in the community. Letting potential clients know you want ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Pamphlets and the money they?ll put in your pocket
- People are making a fortune on pamphlets. If you go into an airport you can purchase a pamphlet for around $6.95, and it probably cost under fifty cents to produce. It blows my mind to think that little folded up booklets are the sole reason that some people are rich today. It's crazy.I know a woman who is selling one of these little books on how to design cool business cards. Her pamphlet ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Creating your unique selling proposition or usp
- Creating Your Unique Selling Proposition"Don't tell them what you do. Tell them what you do for them."To capture a larger market share and remain profitable, you absolutely, positively need to distinguish your products and/or services from your competitors. In other words, you need to make your business special in the eyes of your clients: You need to create a Unique Selling Pro...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 10 benefits of hiring a marketing writer to write your marketing materials
- 1. It costs less to delegate to a professional than to waste your valuable time trying to do it yourself. How many prospective clients could you call in the time it takes you to put the words together yourself?2. You'll stop wasting thousands of dollars on material that doesn't work.3. You can stop struggling to find the right words.4. You can be confident that you have a prof...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to market a seminar
- Have you ever left a seminar thinking: "I could have done a better job than that!" Before you start signing up attendees, take a few minutes to think about what you are getting into. Putting on a seminar involves planning, time, and money. Understanding the ins and outs of the industry will go a long way in helping you hold a successful seminar. That's where I come in. Over the past 4 ye...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to connect features and values
- "Buy this magazine or we'll shoot the dog," went a memorable cover for the satire magazine National Lampoon many years ago. On the cover, along with the threat, was the picture of an attractive dog with large sad eyes - and a pistol pointed at its head!Want a powerful way to make sure your message leaves an impression on the people who receive it?Talk about the consequences that will...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Building skills in information marketing will boost your business
- Yesterday I was sitting on a train going into London when I thought I'd take a look around the carriage just to see what everyone was doing. I wanted to make a mental note because my five year old son always asks me 'what happened at your work today Daddy?' So I put my newspaper down and took a look around me.The chap beside me was reading a book about selling, the woman on the other side o...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing mimics life
- Clichés. We've all heard them...and hear some of them so often that we categorize them as tired, stale old sayings. But, the fact is, particularly in both life and in small business marketing, that there is a validated truth in these commonly applicable and very popular clichés.So, just HOW does marketing mimic life? How do the clichés that...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Are you attracting or repelling prospects?
- There are basically two ways in which you can either attract or repel prospects. I call these Attraction Marketing and Repel Marketing.You can either attract or repel prospects in your traditional marketing activities...such as: networking, direct mail, your web site, your brochure, your business graphics, your product or services, etc...You can also attract or repel prospects in you...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Loan officer marketing ? how to target the right agents
- Once there was a loan officer, who marketed his services to some Realtors®. His story went something like this... ...One day he invited an agent to lunch. During the course of the meal, the loan officer told the agent every reason why they should do business together.By the time they had finished, the loan officer convinced the agent to use his services. At ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Beware of magazine style yellow pages ad design.
- I have been designing Yellow Page ads for the past 15 years. I have been fully submerged in the medium. Even as I sit here writing this article I have various Yellow Page directories from all over the US stacked on my desk.It's an art form, I tell you. Few comprehend its power. Few understand the subtle blend of art and science that combines to create the successful Yellow Page ad design. I...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Where to find new customers using b2b direct mail
- The challenge in business-to-business direct mail is knowing where to look for new business. You need a source of potential new clients that is reliable and affordable. A source that will give you the contact information you need to send a direct mail package to prospective customers who need, want and can afford what you offer.At a minimum, any source of names should supply the following f...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Direct mail formats: how to choose the right one for your next mailing
- Which pulls the best response, a postcard, a self-mailer or a letter? The answer, you'll be irritated to know, is clear. It depends.The success of your mailing depends on who you mail to (your list), what you promise (your offer), when you mail (your timing), and what you mail (your format and creative). Here are a few questions to ask yourself to decide which format is likely the best one ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing yourself and your business to thriving!
- We all watch the commercials on TV. We hear them on the radio. We meet someone at an event or hear them speak and we are hooked. What has happened? Their marketing efforts have made the ordinary sound extraordinary. They have been successful at essentially creating something out of nothing! This is marketing at its best!How can we, as entrepreneurial women, market ourselves and our business...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Mortgage marketing - how to earn more business from realtorsãƒâ€šã‚â®
- Is your marketing strategy getting the results you desire?Mailing postcards, handing out flyers, giving out your business card, and referring real estate agents to your website are forms of marketing activity, but does that mean it's effective?Being effective first means understanding how marketing to real estate agents works. Otherwise, you're practicing the definition...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Creative emulation
- In business we have a number of ways or tools that we use to stimulate improvement. Most of us could recite these in our sleep:? Brainstorming? Benchmarking? Problem solvingWhen these things fail, or we realize that perhaps there are better ways to do these approaches, we do the next likely thing and hire a consultant. (As a consultant, I am glad that people sometimes t...