Emarketing articles
Showing page 20 of 99 - There are 2959 Emarketing articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Commercial collections by telephone
- The telephone enables a credit manager to make many contacts in the shortest period of time. A call permits you to present your case to the debtor for immediate response.During the conversation you can determine whether the claim will be paid in full and when. This is the time to determine reasons for nonpayment.Advantages in telephoning are the two-way line of communication and the ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - People arent interested in you or your company
- Does your Web site talk about your company? Yes, I know, it's your company Web site! But the last thing it should talk about is your company.Yes, I'm sure you're all cool, interesting people, with fantastic skills, but trust me, that's not what you need to lead with on your Web site - or mailing or brochure.*The bigger the corporate, the less likely they're even going to blink an eye...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing to women -- can i buy you a clue?
- A while back a small business owner paid me a visit. He wanted help marketing his fitness business to women. Before we even started talking, he handed me his business card. The card was very professional and said all the right things. But it also included a huge blunder.He was pretty smart to target women as prospects for his business. After all, experts say that in the average household wo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Mail can make you money
- Are you still waiting for business to turn around before you start direct mail marketing? Waiting around won't get you any business. The time to start is now.Your key to success in direct mail is "List, List, List."1. Target your offer to a very specific prospect. Lists are available for everything under the sun. To see what lists are possible, check out the SRDS (Standard Rate and D...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Using business and greeting cards effectively
- Business cards and greeting cards almost go hand in hand when being used for marketing and business purposes. With a few exceptions. One is bigger than the other, and needs a postage stamp in order to get to it's desired location, as opposed to the business card which is handed directly to a person or dropped into a fish bowl in the hopes of winning an office party.Here are a few tips on ho...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What your customers want
- Your customers don't know what they want. And to assume otherwise is folly. When you begin relying totally on customers to be your product development department, you are asking for serious trouble.I am not saying that you should discount customer input. However, asking customers what they want is a marketing question and requires experienced marketers to answer.Marketers have the ob...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Let it ring
- Telemarketing has its place in the marketing arsenal. But telespammers - like their digital counterparts in the email marketing world - really make it tough on the legitimate follow-up telephone call from a company with which you have a relationship.Now, even some companies with a legitimate tie to me are starting to abuse the privilege.For instance, last week, I got two different ca...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Turbo-charge your viral marketing- five easy ways
- The world of marketing has changed. With increasingly better educated and more skeptical consumers, marketing methods must be increasingly accountable.Questions being asked by CEOs and business owners from the largest companies through to the smallest solo operators include:· How can you be more confident about your ability to quantify your return on your marketing...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Money making real estate marketing ideas
- Real estate marketing is a lot simpler than most Realtors make it out to be. Some equate expensive products and services with quality.However, effective real estate marketing does not have to be expensive, complicated, or sophisticated. Sometimes, plain, simple, direct and to the point makes lasting impressions that result in increased business opportunities and more income.One of th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Keep costs down and keep the marketing strategy simple
- One of the biggest mistakes we could make as business owners is spending too much money on marketing our service or product without knowing how to market it correctly. I've seen plenty of money wasted on marketing that did not produce any sales and most home based business don't have too much money to waste when ramping up. Failed efforts can make businesses run out of money too quick and eventual...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Massage marketing made easy: a simple nine step marketing plan for therapists and bodyworkers
- Marketing is actually very simple. It involves telling people what you do...over and over and over. The key to successfully marketing your massage therapy business is consistency.So, first, let's take a look at the difference between marketing a service and marketing a product.Products are tangible... you can touch and feel and see them before you buy. However, when a prospective cli...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Ten breakthrough marketing ideas
- Ten Breakthrough Marketing Ideas1. Create a directory of web sites on a specific topic. Give people the option of adding the directory to their web site by linking to it. Put your business advertisement at the top of the director's home page. This technique will get lots of people to linkto your web site and give you free advertising.2. Do you have a product or service that doesn't s...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - A guide to brochure printing
- Brochure printing can be easy if you first identify your needs and have a clear sense of your budget. Whether it is for is a real estate listing, a trade show handout, a data sheet, or another application, brochures are a great promotional tool.Start with a layout that includes the text and images you will need to convey your message. Then choose the type of printing that best suits your br...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Translation and your international e-commerce strategy
- Most businesses realize that they are simply a click away from any corner of the globe. Well, actually two if you include the Yahoo! search a potential customer does to access your shopping cart. What most businesses, unfortunately, do not realize though, is that their shopping cart is struggling to make it to the checkout counter. Bill Dunlap, managing director of Global Reach, Inc. notes ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Corporate branding and trade shows - 8 tips for marketing managers
- Trade shows are part of the marketing mix and the appearance by your firm should be a continuum of your entire marketing including advertising, public relations and events.While you may introduce a new product or showcase a service, many firms make mistakes by not connecting the overall corporate branding with the show. How can an exhibit staff person be up to speed on what the company is d...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to measure the benefit your product or service offers
- Measuring the benefit of your product or service means putting a specific value on the advantage it offers. For example, it's ineffective to say your light bulbs are brighter and last longer than the competition's. You've got to let people know that they're 50% brighter and last two times as long! Your dry cleaning methods aren't just better, they're three times more likely to remove stubborn stai...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to win a price war
- Any economics student can tell you that price is a matter of supply and demand. The market will bear a certain price point and settle into equilibrium. This is not very helpful when trying to determine the price for a new product. Price is a very confusing area of marketing for many people. The reason is probably because price is one of the most misused and abused marketing tools. Traditionally, t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Becoming the obvious choice in a sea of competition
- Differentiation, niche marketing, and positioning. These and other related business buzzwords have no doubt crossed every business owner and marketing director's ears in recent years.But what do these words really mean to you in your business? Usually they mean that a business will attempt to sell a product or service that is somehow different than the competition's to a certain, specific t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Target marketing: the bell curve
- Finally, Something You Learned In Math Class Makes Sense In Real Life.Okay, here's the day you've been waiting for since 9th grade: today's the day you're going to find out what some of that funky stuff you learned in math class has to do with anything. Believe it or not, there is a mathematical model - the bell curve - that explains how you should target your market. But first, we n...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why do you need to be in the serps?
- Why does your business need to be in the Search Engine Results Pages (SERPS)?Search Engine Optimization and Search Engine Marketing both have the same goal, which is to help visitors find your website. Ten years ago there was probably nobody searching online for your product or service. Five years ago, there may have been a couple of dozen people looking for it in any given week or month. T...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Teaming up marketing and sales
- The Pitchers: SalesLet's say you have a new baseball team in town and it's almost time for the first game of the season. Your sales force is ready to sell a variety of package deals for the season. However, there's a major stumbling block as they prepare to approach potential buyers. No one knows about the package deals or even the date of the first game.No one tipped the loca...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The 7 areas of marketing waste - are you committing these marketing sins?
- If you want to reduce waste and grow your business it can be useful to know where to look. Marketing waste is usually most apparent in these 7 key areas:1. Activity (over production)2. People (over capacity)3. Processes (over complication)4. Waiting (poor communication)5. Excessive Communication Costs6. Trial and Error7. Excessive Lead Costs1...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Embracing the future - marketing yourself, your business and your
- IntroductionMany businesses and organisations have a perception that marketing means promotions and advertising. They think being good at marketing is producing a glossy brochure and having an ad on the local radio or television. But marketing is much more than slick promotions and expensive pamphlets. It is about a process and having a clear strategy. It is also about structuring ev...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing tips: free first
- When people think about promoting their business, the first thought that comes to mind is, "What is is going to cost?" While marketing and advertising should be part of any well-considered budget, there are a number of opportunities to market your business for free that are often overlooked.Clubs & OrganizationsMost clubs and organizations have some sort of membership director...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Marketing to a critical mass
- In "Developing a Marketing Plan", we covered the first steps to developing a marketing plan and tracking where your customers are coming from.The thing that I noticed when I did this for my own business was that the majority of new clients could be attributed to more than one source. For example, a current customer gave them my name (#2 in the trust diagram), the person then visited my webs...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - First steps to developing a marketing plan
- Direct Mail . . . Newspaper . . . Radio . . . Online. There are countless places to spend each advertising dollar. The hard part is determining the most effective medium for your business. It is not a matter of "One Size Fits All." The response rate for each media type will vary depending on the product or service you offer, your target market, and the characteristics of the community that you are...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Fundraising renewal letters: four goals to strive for with each one you write
- In the fundraising profession, appeal letters that you mail to existing donors are called renewal letters. They are designed to solicit a gift, but, more important than that, they aim to persuade your current donors to renew their support of your organization. Donors renew their support with their cash, of course, but they also renew it with their commitment-with their hearts and minds. And that's...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 51 ways to say thank-you in a fundraising letter for a non-for-profit (includes examples & samples)
- One of the hardest jobs in fundraising is crafting original thank-you letters. You want to be thankful. But you also want to be fiscally responsible. You cannot afford to write a unique thank-you letter for each of the thousands of donations you receive each year. Here are some ideas for keeping your appreciation original.1. In response to your recent gift to MSF, I join with the people of ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The death of product packaging as we know it.
- It used to be you that if you had a great product you put it in a package and voila! . . .someone would come along and buy it. That is not the case any more. The package not only has to protect the product and allow for its tracking, it has to sell it too. Most importantly, the package has to capture someone's attention in less than three seconds.Consider the last time you went shopping. We...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What you need in your marketing calendar
- Marketing calendars are used by many businesses to help keep sales pipelines full of new prospective customers. Small businesses may just keep a simple calendar with handwritten items on the dates that marketing efforts need to be completed. These items might include attending a trade show, sending out an email campaign, or placing a buy for a magazine advertisement. Larger corporations typically ...