Network marketing! whats it all about?
Every day millions of employees go to their place of employment for their employers to use their time and effort to build a business --- a financial future, without any "REAL" consideration for their employees future!
In Network Marketing, however, we do things much different. While all of us continue to gather customers, we also assist each other in building a business and a GREAT future. This is the true meaning of the words "Network Marketing." We network with people, assist each other, and get paid for work that is done one time! It's AWESOME!
In the JOB (Just Over Broke) world, your employer leverages YOUR time. But, in Network Marketing, YOU leverage your own time and the time of others! Your employer has tons of overhead to deal with. In Network Marketing, you really don't have that.
Employees are the biggest liability an employer has. In Network Marketing we have business partners all working with our T.E.A.M. (Together Everyone Achieves More). We don't have all the issues a commercial type company has. We have our initial start-up fee, which typically runs anywhere from a little under 100 dollars to a little under 500 dollars. There are others that have a higher start-up fee, but they are few and far between.
One of the biggest reasons people fall short in this Industry is because, for some reason, they feel that a marketing budget is unnecessary. They don't advertise, prospect, or seek out the knowledge and support they need in order to be successful. They don't treat their Network Marketing business as a REAL business. This is a BAD mistake!
You must remember that you own a REAL business! You don't have a boss to answer to because YOU are the boss. Your success or failure is completely OWNED by YOU! No one else!
So, you need to get down to it and go to work gathering customers! Some of those customers will want to be business builders. So, you will need to assist them in getting started, and then continually coach them to success. Two to five years of continuous effort should bring you GREAT success.
You will need to put in 5 ? 20 hours per week in building your business and assisting others to do the same. You will also need to have a Marketing Budget. It can be a small budget, starting out. But, you will need one.
REMEMBER: You own a REAL business! It's YOUR business! So treat it as such! It's not a "get rich quick" scheme, or anything like that! It is a REAL business!
Our Industry is primarily built on "word of mouth" advertising. This has always been the most effective way to advertise. You go to a movie. You tell others about it. They go. They tell others. And, it continues. It is the same when you find a store that you like. You tell others about it. They, in turn, tell others. And, it continues on. The word spreads. This is the most powerful form of advertising there is.
Isn't that what we do as Network Marketers? We are part of a company with great products with a business attached to it, and we share what we have with others. The difference between us and the commercial market is that we get paid for our "word of mouth" advertising. It's AWESOME!
Most people we talk to will tell us, "But, I don't want to sell anything." I felt the same way, when I first got started over 40 years ago, and I still do. Who of us likes an over zealous salesperson putting pressure on us to buy something? None of us do! I'm sure that our prospects feel the same way.
This is where Network Marketing is different. We don't "sell" anything. Isn't that true!?! We only recommend our products and services. Ones that we love and use ourselves. The rest is up to the prospective customer.
So, "Network Marketing! What's It All About!?!" ---- It's about "networking" with people, and sharing your products, services, and business opportunity with them. Plus ? It's a blast!
You gotta LOVE it!
"Assisting People To Success ? One Heart At A Time!"
Lou Everett, Sr.
Copyright 2005, Lou Everett, Sr.
Lou Everett, Sr. is a down in the trenches coach with 42 years of Network Marketing experience and 60 plus years of Life experience. Lou has built large Networking Organzations, so he knows how to market, and he knows how to live. Lou's life experiences have made him a well rounded individual that people listen to. Lou has coached many to success. Please take advantage of his articles here, and of those in his Blog at:
http://networkmarketingcoach.blogspot.comIf you would like a FREE Coaching Session, just drop Lou an E-Mail Message at:
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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