3 step blue print to internet mlm business success
When I build my internet mlm business, many of my downlines always ask me for a strategy to build their business. Building an internet mlm business has a great advantage over offline means, you can get people to watch your presentation online and you can generate leads online. This article will show you a simple 3 step blue print that any of your downlines can emulate and be successful online.
Register a domain
The first step that anyone in an internet mlm should do is to register a domain name and point it to your company referral url. It looks more professional and allows people to remember your internet mlm business url better. Studies have shown that if the person does not bookmark your domain name, he will resort to guessing so you do not want someone else from your company getting the signup as opposed to you right? Choose a domain name that is simple and clear to understand with the keywords separated with a dash. An example of a good domain name is one that I use http://www.massive-profits-online.com. It tells you at a glance what it offers and reduces the chances of misspelling.
Writing articles
The second step to success in any internet mlm program is to write articles. If you cannot write articles, the next best way is to go to websites like Elance or getafreelancer.com to hire someone to write an article for you. Usually the going price for one article is about US$5 and they come in sets of ten articles. Always spend some time looking at article directories and decide what kind of articles you want the person who bids on your offer to write. Specify clearly what type of style you want him to adopt. The best way though is to ask them to write "how to" type articles. These help the readers solve a problem or teach the reader a new skill and will generally be well received by article directories and website owners.
Submit articles
Thirdly use article submission solutions like isnare.com or articlemarketer.com to submit your articles with your signature at the bottom of each article with a link to your domain that you registered. Submitting manually can be contemplated when you have few articles to submit but if you intend to submit many articles, professional services help you save a lot of time. The more articles you send out with your signature the more internet mlm signups and leads you get for you to follow up with.
In conclusion, the real difference between MLM bigdogs and other people is the presence of a Internet mlm promotion system. Many successful internet mlm business owners today use these same strategies and you should too if you want to achieve internet mlm mastery and start building a large downline online.
Joel Teo is the successful owner of several
successful internet business ventures.Click here to learn how you can start your own successful internet business today.
http://www.massive-profits-online.comCopyright © 2005-2006 Joel Teo the Coolest Guy On The Planet
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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