Mlm success training - the secrets to deciding who you will become in mlm
There are many factors that impact Success in life. And that is true for MLM and Network marketing as well. There are also factors with any good training program, and these ultimately will determine the success of your teaching.
There are three "Maximum Factors" to learning that MUST be a part of any MLM teaching process. If these factors are not met, then the training is less than what it should be.
You must have:
1) Education.
This will come from the mlm company Training Manual the company has made available to you . There are other trainings available as well, which all will help educate you. The Education Factor PROVIDES you the KNOWLEDGE.
2) Motivation.
This must come from the Leadership and teaching style, additional self-development teachings, as well as encouragement during the challenges. You must build you while you build your business. This factor ENERGIZES the KNOWLEDGE!
3) Activation.
This is where the teaching MUST get the new person DOING, not just Learning. You must ACTIVATE the new distributor the first 7 days to get into the game, and start the sharing process the first week. It is an industry fact that the distributors that experienced some form of success their first week, had a pattern of more success their first year, then those who did not. This factor ACTIVATES the KNOWLEDGE!
And the goal of PassionFire is to Maximize your Company Training Manual, the tools they use, your Leadership, and your MLM Success!
And yes, there is a whole lifetime ahead of you, but we must focus on getting you started the right way. There will be more articles coming! This process is simply to help take the Training Manual your company has, and Empower what you do with it, and GET YOU INTO IMMEDIATE ACTION & RESULTS!
The Road to Becoming in Network Marketing.
Let's move forward, and talk about whom you are planning on becoming in your MLM and Network Marketing business.
Before you ever call anyone, or even start your learning, you need to be honest with yourself about your Role, and what you are going to be doing as you build your dream mlm business.
Many people never define who they are in this business, and what they are going to do. And because of that, never have clearly defined tasks or focus in building their dreams. This will create a "fog" or lack of clarity in which direction you are going to be heading and what you will be doing with the hours you have to work your business.
In your wonderful Network Marketing company, you need to decide which one of these roles you are planning on taking on and which is most comfortable for you at this time. Understand, you will grow tremendously in this business and company, but there always needs to be a starting point.
Which one best describes you now?
1) Retailer of the Products.
This is simply the lifeblood of our company, and is where you share the products with your friends and family, and build a business with lots of customers over time. The retail profits and commissions you earn can become a significant income.
2) Retailer of the Products who wants to grow into a Business Builder
Many friends that you share these products with will know someone, or even be interested themselves in working with you in building their own business and dreams. Never be pushy, but MAGNETIC, with excitement, energy, and passion as you develop a team who decides to duplicate what you're doing. Serious part-time supplemental income can develop here.
3) Serious (Career) Business Builder
Serious Business Builders are the potential Super Stars of your business and company. And they are the leaders of your company. Their focus is amazing, and work ethic is strong.
And many Serious Business Builders grew into this Role, by starting as retailers of the products only. The Path to Success can be traveled many ways, but the key is to KEEP TRAVELLING THE PATH! Career incomes are made at this level.
Which one do you see yourself as now? There is NO WRONG ANSWER! You need to do what excites you most, and then simply start.
That's it. Just START.
What excites you the most, and "feels right", will be what you do initially the best. As you grow, you may change your focus and direction in MLM.
Once you define what you plan on becoming, and what role you will be stepping into, you do not have to stay there. You may start off as simply a retailer and share the products, and eventually grow into the company's number one earner. All things are possible!
Decide what you are going to do, and then step into that role, and master it. You will be shocked at how easy it really is to create success in your life once you decide to.
Especially Success in MLM and Network Marketing.
Doug Firebaugh / PassionFire Intl (c) 2005/ all rights reserved
Doug Firebaugh is one of the top MLM Network Marketing Trainers in the world. Over a million people a month read his training ezine. He spent the last 7 years traveling the world speaking and training on Success. He lives in Birmingham Michigan, and you can receive a FREE subscription to his training ezine - The MLM Success HEAT- at:
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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