Buy mlm leads with a bit of caution
You can buy MLM leads from a variety of sources on the Internet. While they may be readily accessible, you must exercise caution when dealing with any company you are unfamiliar with. Some companies have been known to scam MLM business owners, offering MLM leads when in reality the leads were unchecked and dated as well.
When you choose to buy MLM leads, look for those that a close associate has dealt with in the past. The best MLM leads are responsive and genuinely interested in building a home-based business. Look for opt-in leads that have been generated by a survey or an online request form where they have asked for more information on home-based businesses. Be sure to ask where they got their leads.
Another question to ask when you buy MLM leads is, " Do you re-sell your leads to other people?" This is an important question to ask. If you don't, the leads may have been already worked over by another MLM marketer. At least be sure that the leads have not been sold to someone promoting the same MLM master company. Look for MLM leads that haven't been sold over three times in a 90-day period.
Buy MLM leads that have been screened and their quality has been double-checked before you purchases them. Make sure that all information provided is correct and contain no fictitious content or undeliverable e-mail addresses. Sometimes companies will provide MLM leads that contain leads that are completely made up. If you don't check, you won't find out until you try and contact them.
Here are some more questions to ask when you buy MLM leads.
? Is the list mine to keep or am I just renting it?
? How will the leads be delivered to me and in what form?
? Can I purchase leads that are directly targeted to my business?
? Do you provide a company representative that I can talk to personally?
? How soon will I receive the leads after purchase?
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