How to sell to howard stern... oprah winfrey... and paul mccartney!
Do you know what Howard Stern... Oprah Winfrey... and Paul McCartney all have in common?
Well, the simple truth is... they're all... "Baby Boomers"!
The "Baby Boomer" generation accounts for all of us born between January 1, 1946 and December 31, 1963.
Here's a few interesting facts about the baby boomers in general:
First, they control 70% of the entire net worth of the United States! Second... they represent 27.5% of the population according to the last census, taken in 2000. And third... once they start hitting 40... many of them... Start Having Problems With Their Eyesight!
It's true!
According to the National Eye Institute's 2002 Report called "Vision Problems In The U.S.", there are 3,406,280 people over age 40, who have some kind of visual impairment!
And generally, for many folks... the older you get, the worse your eyesight gets.
So here's a little tip if you're selling goods or services to older folks: Since you're likely to have a higher percentage of them who do have vision problems...
Make Sure Your Ads Are Easy To Read!
So, here's what you should do: Studies have shown, using a font called "Courier 10 BT" produces a larger ad response than other fonts.
Now be careful, Courier 10 BT, is NOT the same as the "Courier New" font, you may already have on your computer.
Not at all!
See, the Courier 10 BT font, is a little darker. And this darker font, is easier to read... and this lifts the response to your ads.
Here's an example of the Courier 10 BT Font in action:
"If you can read this, you're still doing fine sonny boy!"
It's sure not the prettiest font in the world -- it's more like the old-style fonts you used to have on your typewriters (Remember those?) -- but, it works like a charm... and you won't ever get in trouble for making your ads easier to read, right?
Anyhow, if you want to guarantee your ads are easy to read, and you're working in a marketplace that may be visually challenged, use the Courier 10 BT font.
And if you don't already have this font installed on your computer, feel free to download it here from me -- my gift to you for being a subscriber of mine.
Download Your Courier 10 BT Font By Clicking Here
This is a great font to use, especially in you Direct Mail sales letters, and... I've even seen it used effectively online.
Don't, however, use it in your newspaper or magazine display ads, unless it happens to be the same font, articles are printed in.
When you run display ads, you must use an editorial-style format using a font that matches the font "normal" articles are printed in (which for many papers is Times New Roman -- this font).
P.S. Want to hear a few more facts about the Baby Boomers?
They have an estimated annual spending power of $1 Trillion Dollars! They have a higher divorce rate, and a higher rate of "staying single" than prior generations...
And... over 50% of them are living in the following 9 states: California, Texas, New York, Florida, Pennsylvania, Illinois, Ohio, Michigan and New Jersey.
And... according to the latest stats... it looks like they'll be living to 79.5 years of age. Which is...
Not Long Enough, If You Ask Me!
Craig Garber is America's Top Direct-Response Copywriter. You'll find hundreds of marketing tips to increase your sales, and his insanely popular FREE Unconventional and Irreverent Daily Direct-Response Marketing Tips, on his website,
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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