What is multi-level and how should it be worked
Multi-level marketing is really a partnership. You go into business with someone that has the same interests and goals you have. You make a commitment to each other. You work with the same people. Working multi-level marketing correctly not only makes success easier, it eliminates many problems. The hardest thing is to find the person you want to work with (your sponsor). You want someone who is willing to work and assist you when needed. You should join programs under the same person all the time. This makes for a solid downline. If your sponsor isn't interested in a particular program, contact his sponsor. By doing this, you will strengthen you group. Many people complain about others stealing their people. They seem to think that just because they signed someone up once, they should always have them. If someone gives their downline the help and assistance they should, there would be no need for them to worry about someone stealing them away. They should want to continue with you because they know you will help them. Why should someone stick with you if all you do is collected commissions from them? Can you really blame them for not following you into other programs? Take a look at the other side of the "coin". Having the right people in your downline is just as important as having the right sponsor. If someone sponsored you into a program and helped you, don't expect them to sign you in another program if you haven't tried to do anything on you own. Granted, they make money for those they sponsor for you, but why should they make you money if you don't do anything? Mailing out hundreds of brochures may get you several people in your downline. This may look good on a printout, but what about on a commission check? Would you rather have a printout a foot long with a small check - or a small printout with a large check? Be choosy in whom you recruit. Let them know what you expect from them and what they can expect from you. Level with them completely about the program you are trying to get them into. Having 2 or 3 good people will make you more money than having 10 or 12 deadbeats. Don't join every program that comes along. Find one you like and work it. It takes time to build a solid downline. Help your downline and have them do the same. This way everybody will make money. You can't expect to keep your downline if you leave them stranded when you get into profit. You have to help them get in profit too. They will be more apt to follow you in other programs this way. Be careful what you promise people. Remember, nothing is guaranteed. Be as honest as you can. Don't tell someone you'll do something if you can't. Offer your help, but guarantee nothing. No matter how good something might seem, it might not work. If you mislead people, how long do you expect to keep them? Doing things this way may take a little longer, but look at the advantages! You have a solid downline. You don't have to race to the phone or mailbox to be first to contact someone. Because you are working with the same people, you will get to know them. You will have a steady income. You don't have to worry about finding new "schemes" and new "victims" every few months. Actually, four things are needed to be successful in MLM. A good product, a good marketing structure, a good sponsor and a strong downline. The time and money spent to find these four things is well worth it. Don't settle for anything less. To do so will only restrict the goals you can achieve. Once you have found these four things, it's easy. All you have to do is keep in touch with your 5 or 6 people. If everyone does this, no one will fail. Everybody will be a success. If you still look for a good network company, you can visit
http://www.best-internet-businesses.com and find a real good one to get you started.---------------------------------------------------------
Julia Tang publishes Smart Online Business Tips, a fresh
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worth over $200, visit:
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