Most wanted response... how to make it work
"When I walked into the grocery store last Saturday, I was just 'browsing.' But... their MWR was obvious. Because,... I could smell the 'hot fresh baked bread' in the bakery department. They must have arranged to circulate that aroma all over the store. Yep... I knew at that moment, their MWR.
What is MWR?... MWR means Most Wanted Response.
Copy Writers say MWR's the starting point for their headlines, articles and sales letters.
That 'fresh hot bread aroma' was like a great headline... It got my Attention... It created Interest, and I Desired to buy several loaves. And... It created Action, because I headed for the bakery department.
Forget fruit and vegetables. I wanted some of that 'fresh hot baked bread'.
First the MWR, then the headline to grab the readers attention, excite and motivate them to continue reading down the web page, ezine, or article. Everything from the headline, first paragraph, sub headlines, sentence , and every word should lead toward your Most Wanted Response.
MWR may be convincing your reader the value of subscribing to your ezine, clicking a link for an ecourse, reading an article, sending an email, or buying your info-product.
Browsing at the grocery store, emphasized principles and ideas that Copy Writers talk about and use. That hot fresh bread got my Attention the moment I walked into the store. A great headline.
I became Interested in buying hot fresh bread. .. No!... I wasn't just Interested, they had created the Desire for hot fresh bread. And I was taking Action as I headed for the bakery to get some loaves before they sold out. That was the bakery's MWR in action... It worked!
And... It was the old standby of Copy Writers first decide on the Most Wanted Response and then use 'AIDA'. We've all heard this term and have tried to apply it in our writings. Know your MWR, then create Attention, Interest, Desire that causes Action.
Now everytime I sit down to write anything, I'll remember 'Most Wanted Response' and 'AIDA' Attention, Interest, Desire, Action. Then do my best to accomplish my Most Wanted Response.
If you've read this far... I've accomplished my MWR... to get you to read this article right to the very end.
copyright (c) Bill Parks 2003
Bill Parks... Computer Consultant, specializing in Filemaker Pro database design. Publisher of "Information Age Products Ezine" and "Bill's Business Boosters Ezine."
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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