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7 simple ways to boost your e-book sales

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You can often dramatically increase your E-Book salesby making a few minor adjustments to your sales page.Here are 7 ways to increase your E-Book sales:

(1) Make sure your 'Order' link appears at least 3times on your sales page.

(2) If your link currently says 'Order!', change itto 'Order via Secure SSL Server' (if that is thecase). I made this change about a month ago, and Inoticed an immediate increase in sales.

(3) Offer a money-back guarantee that makes it clearthat you don't mind refunding purchases.

(4) Add a 'guarantee' logo or icon to your salespage. You can find a variety 'guarantee' graphics atAltaVista's MediaSearch: http://web.altavista.com/cgi-bin/query?cn=med

Click on the 'radio button' that says 'Images' andthen type 'guarantee' into the search box. AltaVistawill return 20 pages of 'guarantee icons'.

(Before placing one of these graphics on yourwebsite, make sure it is not covered by copyright).

(5) Offer 2 or 3 chapters of your book free (in theform of a downloadable Trial version of your E-Book).You could also allow people to read those samechapters online.

(6) Include a 'Table of Contents' so that yourvisitors can see what your E-Book contains.

(7) Keep your sales copy to one page. People arespending less and less time surfing the Web - if yoursales message is more than one page, your visitorswill probably move on before reaching the end.

Michael Southon has been writing for the Internet for over 3
years. He has shown hundreds of webmasters how to use this
simple technique to build a successful online business. Click
here to find out more: http://ezine-writer.com/

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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