Domain articles
Showing page 3 of 6 - There are 156 Domain articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Deleted domains can kickstart a new website
- Are you getting ready to launch a new website online with a brand new domain name? You may want to consider registering a deleted domain name instead. Here are some of the benefits to consider from this strategy.Take advantage of previous backlinksQuite a few deleted domain names still have a large number of websites still linking to them even though the site at that domain is offlin...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The power of domain names in marketing
- Purchasing your own domain is inexpensive and very effective for any kind of marketing campaign online or offline.You should be able to purchase a domain and redirect it from the same place at no additional cost. Their is no reason to host it - and the KEY in redirecting is to redirect the URL as "cloaked" or "stealth." In other words, when someone clicks on your domain, that is all you eve...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Your domain name, your business address
- Would you purchase anything from someone with a "" or "" e-mail address? I certainly wouldn't! For starters, people using these e-mail addresses give others the impression that they're not taking their business seriously.Now I understand that you don't want your regular e-mail address in ads that you run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but let's look at this matter c...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Making money with expired domains
- There are billions of websites and thousands more popping up each day and they all require a name. As competition on the Internet intensifies, more and more people are actively looking for a quality domain for their site. Unfortunately for them there are already over 30 million dotcoms taken, which often times leaves webmasters with two choices. Settle for a long unpleasant looking domain or spend...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - A little secret about public domain treasures
- I bet this little secret is going to get YOU excited... just like it did me. I just discovered public domain treasures and it's a perfect business opportunity for many new internet entrepreneurs.Did you know there's a little known loophole in US law that allows anyone to distribute, resell or give away expired copyrighted content? Officially, its called public domain, and savvy marketers &q...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Public domain works are closer than they appear
- Searching for public domain works can be a tedious job and take several hours just to find one or two good publications.There are hundreds, if not thousands of quality databases online you can use to search for public domain content, but are you aware of the places offline you can visit starting tomorrow morning and walk away with a handful of public domain publications you can duplicate....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to choose the right domain name for your company
- As the editor of, I'm frequently e-mailed by people asking for domain name advice. Specifically, what should they look for when registering a domain name for their company? This may be basic for some of you, but I hope some of my readers gain value from this.Let me start with the things to avoid when registering a domain name that will be used for your main company web si...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Virtual airport
- Aero Registrar Secura GmbH proposes to the IT departments of airports to sell aero-domains to companies at the airport. Airports can build a portal of the airport and forming by this a kind of virtual airport.The advantages:1. Search engines are today focusing link popularity. If airports would build a portal of the airport with interested companies and ask the companies at the airpo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Is your domain name on someones wanted list?
- A good domain name is, and will always be, essential for any online business. If you ask me, the internet is still only just evolving from infancy. It's a long way to maturity.Still the world has come a long way since Ken Olson, president & founder of Digital Equipment Corp. etched his name in history, when he proclaimed less than 30 years ago, "There's no reason why anyone would want a com...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Cheap and easy domain name registration
- Just like any business, your identity is very important. On the World Wide Web, your domain name is your identity. Of course, you can opt for a subdomain name that comes with many free web hosting like But if you are serious about being successful on the Internet, you have to get your own domain name, like Top 10 reas...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Instant traffic using expired domains
- Every day thousands of domains 'expire' and are put back into the pool of available domains that anyone can register. They can be very valuable if you are looking for a quality domain for your online business, or if you want to re-sell them for profit. But wait! There is another huge advantage to a domain that was previously owned -- Instant Traffic!As I said above, expired domains have all...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - A winning domain name
- The domain name is one of the most important decisions you will make when trying to win over the search engine dilemma. Try using at least one of your best keywords within your domain name.The search engine and the directories give higher preference when your domain name is relevant to your site content or theme.Let me give you an example of three different ways you could look at you...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Sub domains - an inexpensive solution to grow traffic
- Read this brief article that reflects what we learned about subdomains and their important role in effective internet marketing.A sub-domain is a section of your main web site, set up and recognized as it's own cyber real estate. There is usually no cost or very low cost to set up multiple subdomains on your hosting account. Sub-domains are folders located within a directory of your main si...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How do i get my domain name appraised?
- What's your domain name worth?Perhaps it is better to ask how much a potential buyer would be willing to pay to acquire your domain name. If there was some interest in your domain name, you ought to, at least, have some kind of idea of its value. Generally, is the domain good or bad? If good, how good is it?If you were to visit any domain reseller sites, you will find literally thous...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Domain name secrets revealed
- If internet is about interactivity between websites, domain name is the door for that interactivity. It is your online identity, very much like the name of your best friend, what is his very own personal identity.From a user's point of view, a domain name is what he types in the address bar of his web browser to get a certain web site. For example, domain name of our website is www.kigoobe....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Earn money with parked domain names
- Do you have domain names that you are not currently using?Did you know that these domains can actually become a source of revenue for your online business?There are several companies on the internet that will pay you to redirect your domain to a landing page, filled highly relevant PPC (pay per click) links. The links displayed on your landing page will be optimized based on what key...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Is your company name killing your online business?
- Ahhh... your company name.Your identity. What separates you from everyone else.I would be willing to bet that you spent a good deal of time coming up with the perfect name for your company. Am I right?Something catchy, easy to remember, and unique. How am I doing so far?What if I were to tell you that your company name is possibly the single biggest hindrance to your bu...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What?s in a domain name?
- Choosing a domain name is a very important first step for anyone starting a business on the Internet. This name is the first impression that strangers are going to have about you and your business. You are going to need to give this decision some real thought.It is very likely that you have a name in mind already. Something catchy, perhaps? Something that has meaning to you. Maybe you alway...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Get your own domain name or die online
- Would you buy from someone with an "" e-mail address? I wouldn't. And the clients I've had the most trouble with use yahoo addresses or other free addresses. I understand that you don't want your regular e-mail address in ads that your run on free ad sites to prevent spam, but lets use some common sense here.If you don't buy anything from yahoo's off line why would you buy from a ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 42 killer domain secrets exposed!
- The Basic StuffEvery website needs a domain name. Example "" is a domain name. Your domain is your website address, a.k.a. URL (universal resource locator). Should you use your company name for your domain? Maybe, maybe not. Is it memorable? Easy to spell? Does it contain keywords that relate to your business? For more considerations on choosing a domain, I've put together th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 5 tips for the perfect domain name
- What is a domain name? A domain name is the location of your website on the Internet. Your domain name will be what you become known by online so it's important to get it right.Each website on the Internet is labeled with something called an IP address which is the actual address of the website online. A typical IP address looks like this: Remembering a string of numbers like...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to sell your website
- There are hundreds and thousands of websites on the internet today being bought and sold and there are many places you can sell your website such as ebay and website brokers. Though this article we will explore each of these possibilities in greater details.Ebay - Selling a website on ebay can perfect for some and completely useless for others. As most people know ebay, it gets millions of ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Customer excellence returns to web site hosting!
- For those of you with Web sites, you probably know what a "host" is. It's a company that provides a location, or address, on the Internet where your Web site resides.In other words, just like a physical business needs an address, so does a Web site. You can't have a Web site and just "stick it up" on the Web. Unless you want to set up your own server, you have to go through a hosting compan...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 8 tips for choosing a domain name
- If you're just starting out on the Internet, choosing a domain name is one of the first major decisions you will have to make. I won't say that choosing a name for your site will determine the overall success or failure of your online business. It will, however, affect almost every aspect of your business. Finding a good domain name requires extensive planning.I would like to offer some tip...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Tips and tricks to getting top money for your domain names
- Would you like to be that lucky person who sells their domain for thousands or even a million dollars? It IS possible to find quality domains and resell them for huge amounts of money. The time is ripe for acquiring top domains and selling them. Now that the Internet Boom is behind us, valuable names expire everyday. The best way to find these domains is to use services on the Internet such as Dom...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Information on domain names
- It's been two years since John started his online business. He is very much satisfied with his current web host whose services he acquired one year ago. Today John is relaxing in his chair and thinking about the initial days when he spent many hours on the Internet collecting information related to web hosting. Like him there are many John's out there who are in search of information everyday, vis...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to boost affiliate profits using secret domain tricks
- Want to increase your affiliate link click-through rates and profits?Then you'll need to learn how to master your domain.One of my favorite episodes of Seinfeld was the "master of your domain" show where the gang bet each other as to who could hold out the longest without giving in to self gratification. Whoever 'caved in' would have to lay down the cash.The question - will th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Think all the good domain names are taken?
- Have you heard of the other tlds (top leve domains) such as: .free, .church, .video, .travel, .llp, .golf, .school, .agent and .love? There are many more too. Wait! Don't wretch just yet. I'll tell you why in just a minute.If you look for a great domain name for very long you will learn how rare they are. Trying to find a one word dot com is a futile effort. The only exception to that is th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Making money from parked domains
- Let me tell you a true story. A friend of my who likes to collect domain names was describing a few that he had acquired. While he has a wide range of domains in various categories, these particular domains were all related to web hosting.Some of the domain names were similar to existing web hosting company names (or derivatives of