Enjoy the holidays healthfully
How To Have A Healthy Thanksgiving
End of the year holidays are a time when our eyes are often bigger than our stomach! Many of us wonder how we will get through them without gaining 5 or 10 pounds. So how can you feel great after parties and meals instead of overstuffed and uncomfortable?
Your stomach cannot miraculously hold more food just because it's the holidays.
First, remember that the amount of food your stomach can hold did not change between yesterday and today. Remember how uncomfortable you feel after you have eaten too much and how long it takes to start feeling better again.
Do you want to be able to enjoy your food, and enjoy your time after eating as well?
Smaller portions, lot's of variety
If there's a lot of food that you want to try, serve yourself smaller portions. This way you can get a variety of everything.
Chew your food and eat slowly. Savor!
When you're trying to control your food intake, one of the most difficult things is when you feel satisfied, but everyone else is going for seconds. You feel out of place to just sit there. What can you do? Try to be the last one to begin eating your first plate and chew each bite thoroughly. That way you are eating more slowly and you won't actually be finished by the time everyone else is getting a second plate. Chew about 50 times for each bite of food and set your fork down between bites.
Make a plate for yourself for later...
If the food is amazing and you don't want to miss out on having a second or third serving, but your stomach is actually comfortably full, go ahead and make a plate for yourself, put Saran Wrap over it and stick it in the fridge. That way you will feel that you have a "treat" for later when you are hungry.
The food will taste much better if you eat it when you are hungry!
Split the desserts or cut them in half
There are often lots of desserts to choose from and sometimes it's hard to pick one. So take a smaller slice of two so that you can get the equivalent of one dessert but the ability to try both.
Respect what your body is saying to you
Many times are loved ones will put the pressure on for you to eat more. They are not in your body though so they can't possibly know how you feel. I encourage you to respect yourself and respect your body. It is not an insult to not eat more. No one would put more cookies in a cookie jar than could fit. If you did, what would happen when you put the top on? They would smush and crumble.
This is not the last time you will eat...the opportunity will come again
Most of all remember this is not the last time you will ever eat...and there will most likely be leftovers. You will get hungry again and you will be able to eat great food again....you don't have to do it all in one meal!
Check out the recipe below for a healthy dish you can make this year.
Melissa King
Holistic Nutrition Counselor
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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