Making your contacts work for you
The best way to explain this concept is to tell you a story. While calling for lease purchasing property, I spoke with an older widowed woman. I went through my script and when I asked her why she thought her home hadn't sold, she said to me, I just don't know, I put it in the paper. I then asked her if she had a FSBO sign in her yard, or if she had posted any flyers around the neighborhood or in the nearby markets. She said, why no, I haven't. To make a long story short she said she would ask her granddaughter to help her do just that. She thanked me profusely and I told her to call me if she needed any help!
Now I am sure there are some of you out there saying, why, she isn't doing the deal with you, and I say right back to you, it is not always about the money. What do I mean by this, just this, you are a business owner in your community and sometimes good will is more important than money. Do you know what happened because I helped this woman? You got it, she sold her home and gave my card to her granddaughter and her fiancé to call me to see if I had a property they might be able to lease purchase. I did in fact have one, so she gave them the money (from her house sale) to move into a nice lease purchase home. Because she referred them to me, I sent her a referral fee and let me tell you she told all her friends before she moved to Florida and we got several more deals from those calls.
Now, mind you, this is not the first time this has happened to me, and I know it won't be the last. So for those of you who never offer one iota of advise to someone you are speaking with unless they pay you for it, see what you are missing out on. Remember, it is not always about the money, and if you make it so, you are losing out on A LOT of money and more importantly, good will and enhancing your reputation in your community.
Copyright 2005 DeFiore Enterprises
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