Credit articles
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- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Start building credit fast!
- There are a couple of reasons for this. You can pay your bills on time for years and never gain more than a few points on your credit score.As you probably already know, paying minimums on credit cards and bank loans do not lower your principle amount very quickly. When your balance is too close to your credit limit on a card, it actually hurts your score, even though you may be paying your...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Bounced checks - straight talk on dealing with bad checks (nsf)
- A check can be considered bad if it is bogus or the NSF checks (non sufficient funds check), also referred as bounced check.The issuance of a NSF or bad checks is an unlawful act and can attract civil and criminal penalties. The onus of a bad check is assigned to the person signing the check and such a person, upon incrimination, is likely to face legal action as specified by the judicial s...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Good credit is not a good reason to borrow more money after youve achieved financial freedom
- The most important thing for you to remember is that the only way you'll ever be able to achieve financial freedom is if you are able to avoid getting back into debt once you've paid off everything that you owe. It seems like a lot of the different websites that give advice regarding bad credit are not looking at this the right way. Sometimes it almost sounds like the only reason you want to pay o...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Consumer credit reports
- A consumer credit report is a factual record of an individual's credit payment history. It is provided for a purpose permitted by law: to help a credit grantor or lender quickly and objectively decide whether to grant you credit. Most of the information in consumer credit reports comes directly from the companies a person does business with, but some information also comes from public records....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Dealing with a collection agency
- Step I - Selecting A Collection AgencySelecting a credit collection agency is perhaps the most important and difficult task. Some factors you must consider while selecting a collection agency are:- Experience and professionals - Geographical presence - Expertise - Fees and charging model - Customer references - Collection Agency Services has covered this topi...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Chexsystems: alternative options for people whove been checking accounts
- Individual banks elect to become members of ChexSystems, and to use their services.Those individual banks are the ones who decides what is sufficient cause to close your account and report you to ChexSystems.It can be what they consider to be frequent overdrafts, ATM card misuse, an intentional act of fraud, etc.When that person attempts to open an account at another member ba...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Trade credit: how to determine if you should offer net-30 terms to your customers
- What is trade credit?One of the major differences between consumer and commercial transactions is that most, if not all, consumer transactions are paid in cash or by credit card at the time of sale. Because of this, most consumer businesses never have to worry about extending credit to a customer and can run their operations on an "all cash" basis. This allows them to focus...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit and banking money saving services
- The first rule when applying for banking and credit services is to always read the fine print and to understand all of it. Read up, take it home, and analyze it, ask the banking manager questions. The fine print is there for a reason. The charges and requirements contained in there, will affect the savings or added expenses you incur, whenever you bank or use credit.Checking Account Yo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Saving money: quick cash, high cost
- I didn't think it was possible. But it is. Folks, there is something worse out there than putting everyday expenses on a credit card, then carrying the balance. The guys I'm going to tell you about make the credit card people look downright benevolent. Meet your smiling neighborhood cash advance parlor.These legal loan sharks go by names like EZ Money, Cash 'N Go, Red E Cash, Cash in a Flas...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Stop struggling because of poor credit and improve credit rating now
- Did you apply for a personal loan only to be turned down by a bank or lending institution? Like most people there is always a need to borrow money to buy a car or to renovate a home or even to get a student loan. There are many reasons why people need a loan and lenders turn people down from a loan application based on ones credit rating and credit score. Fortunately there is a way to resolve this...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - My student credit card adventure
- And some practical advice too!My first credit card?I remember my college days when it seemed there was a credit card advertisement on practically every bulletin board on campus. The banks would travel to the college and set up application booths on registration day. Hundreds of students would apply for a credit card. As an enticement, we were offered freebies like T-shirts, water bot...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to avoid becoming a victim of identity theft
- With identity theft statistics currently at an all time high, and climbing, it just makes sense that we should all be doing everything we can to protect ourselves.One of the most prevalent yet overlooked ways your personal information and passwords may be being compromised is through the presence of Spyware on your computer.Note these very disturbing Facts about Spyware and Identity ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Chexsystems: who they are and how it affects you
- ChexSystems is a company that maintains a subscriber membership service used in the banking industry. The members consist mainly of Banks, and Credit Unions, but can include other types of Financial Institutions.It provides its members with what it calls deposit account verification services. The members use the information that ChexSystems provides to identify applicants that have had what...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Know your credit card rights
- When you apply for a credit card, the application that you sign is also a legally binding contract laying out all the termsbetween you and the bank, such as the interest rate and how its calculated, the grace period, whether there's an annual fee, etc.While you have to agree to the terms and sign if you want the credit card and while the lender will certainly hold you to the terms, t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit cards
- Credit cards are a form of unsecured credit. The issuer is extending you a line of credit, usually tacking on all sorts of little surprises in the fine print. This type of credit is probably the most commonly used.If you have a great credit rating, you're probably bombarded with offers of new cards. They usually carry no annual fees, the interest rates are reasonable (as far as credit cards...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Establishing credit ? what you need to know part 2
- In my previous article "Establishing Credit ? What You Need To Know Part 1" I discussed the need for a good credit history and what lenders were looking for prior to loaning an individual money or additional funds based on their credit history. This article will go into the necessary steps someone needs to take in order to initially establish their credit history.The first and eas...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Establishing credit ? what you need to know part 1
- Establishing credit is one of the most important things you can do in order to add stability to your financial record and dramatically increase your ability to borrow necessary funds in order to purchase a new home, new car or even pay for college expenses. Unfortunately credit has two sides to it that consumers can exploit. The good side is very valuable and prevents consumers from having to save...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - I?ve heard about facta; what does it mean?
- What FACTA means is that if you, as an individual, lose the information on anyone you have ever hired; or, for any business in the United States of America that collects any personal information on people, if the information should be lost due to not destroying the information properly, then two things can happen. First, there are federal fines of up to $2,500.00, and state fines up to $1,000, per...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why does facta matter to me?
- FACTA stands for Fair and Accurate Credit Transaction Act. FACTA is the law which allows any American access to their credit report once per year. The law went into effect Jan. 1, 2005. So what does that mean for you as an employer?On June 1, 2005, a new provision of FACTA goes into effect. It says that any employer (even if you only employ one person, and you have their personal informatio...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit card is adding the silver lining to your pocket
- In the new millennium plastic money or credit cards has rendered a new zing factor to your pocket. This has not only made you economically more flexible but subsequently added glamour to your financial image as well. No more bulging out hip pockets with excess of liquid cash. Instead, the slimmer your pocket; the smarter you look. But behind all these inviting attributes of credit cards there seem...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit score: the brightest feather in your financial cap
- Credit scores are the most important aspect that determines your financial future. Carrying a good credit score is an asset and can pave your future towards greener pastures. On the other hand a negative marking on your credit report can be ruinous for your future dreams. However, "There Isn't Much anyone can do for those who will not Do Something for themselves." The same is applicable for credit...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit cards - the top 3 things you need to know
- Today there are so many different credit cards available, student prepaid, low interest cards etc. that it has becomes a real hassle to find the right one that will suit your needs.This is the reason why we at online-creditcheck provide you with necessary information which can help you in choosing the right credit card for you. The good thing about this information is that it is all free of...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What is the check 21 act?
- Check 21 is the common name for the Check Clearing for the 21st Century Act. It's new legislation that was recently passed by congress and made a law when signed by the President of the United States (remember "I'm just a bill" from Saturday morning cartoons). Check 21 basically streamlines the traditional check processing system by incorporating new electronic technology. This new system replaces...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit reporting: how does it work?
- In order to determine a consumer's credit worthiness, creditors and lending institutions have come to depend on credit reporting agencies. Credit reporting agencies supply individual reports that provide consumer specific information for lending purposes. With the advent of technology, most creditors now have automated systems that provide them direct access to credit reporting agencies. In most c...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Identity theft - dont think you are immune
- As identity theft becomes more prevalent, the need to regularly check your credit report is very easy to see and understand. Two big headlines in the news recently point to how closely tied your credit report and identity theft are.First, we hear of the troubles of Choice Point, a company involved in the storage and distribution of credit information. It appears some criminals set up a fake...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Credit reports inside and out
- The Credit Report is like your scorecard in the lending world. Every time you prepare yourself to acquire or purchase something that requires financial assistance from a lending institution, your credit report will be your "presentation card".You also need to realize that other entities like employers and insurance companies often use your credit score to determine if they want to...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How credit scoring works
- The all important credit score! It determines the amount of loan you can get, it determines the interest rate at which you are charged for a loan, etc. Your credit score plays an important figure in your financial life. So what goes into making that all important score of yours? How does it increase, how does it decrease and what are the factors that go into its calculation?Your credit scor...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Understanding credit report score
- Understanding credit report scores is important when you see your credit report because you need to be able to make some sense of it.Your credit score is used by anyone loaning you money such as credit card companies, home loan lenders, auto loan lenders and finance companies. They all use your credit score to determine your credit risk. The interest the lender charges you is based on your ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Our world of credit cards! which one is right for you
- There are not many of us who do not have a credit card these days. But, not all of us are as wise in the area of understanding how they work and how they make money. There are many types available to the young and old. Student credit cards even begin to get teenagers into the world of credit cards. Secured credit cards, cards that usually can't be written off, are even misleading in their name. So...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Save money and lower your payments by improving or repairing your credit
- Having a better credit score not only represents easier access to money from lending institutions, but more importantly represents instant money in your pocket.This probably sounds like something obvious for most of people, but it isn't until you start thinking in terms of real examples and real dollars that most of us start to understand the magnitude of the benefits associated with a good...