Chiropractic colleges
Before CHIROPRACTIC COLLEGES & SCHOOLS accept one into their educational systems, it is recommended that students have earned a degree in the arts or sciences from an accredited college or university. Chiropractic colleges and schools also require applicants to have at least 90 semester hours in English, social sciences or humanities, organic and inorganic chemistry, biology, physics, and psychology as well.
Chiropractic colleges and schools offer education and training in chiropractic health treatments. Teaching a broad spectrum of topics of diagnostics and treatment for persons suffering from muscular, nervous and skeletal system problems; chiropractic colleges and schools stand strong on the firm belief that interference within these systems can disrupt normal functioning and lowers resistance to disease. Chiropractic colleges and schools are holistic educational systems that place emphasis on the patient's overall well-being. By evaluating numerous factors such as one's exercise, diet, rest, environment and heredity; chiropractic colleges and schools teach prospective physicians to use natural, drug-free, non-surgical health treatments that rely on the body's self-healing mechanisms.
After completion of the chiropractic college or school of choice, a four-part exam is administered byt he National Board of Chiropractic Examiners. However, state examinations may supplement the National Board testing -- dependent upon individual state requirements.
Coincidentally,70 percent of chiropractors go into solo practice. While some chiropractors go on to instruct, others conduct research at other chiropractic colleges, institutions and schools; and some work in hospitals and clinics.
Once one has earned his or her degree through chiropractic colleges or schools, s/he can expect to earn anywhere from $36k - $111k. On average, self-employed chiropractors tend to earn more than salaried chiropractors. Overall, (according to the American Chiropractic Association), income for most chiropractors averages in the neighborhood of $86k per annual.
To find out more information about this fulfilling, and lucrative career opportunity; feel free to peruse our business member directory for chiropractic colleges and schools available in your area today.
Chiropractic Colleges - © All Rights Reserved
by C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot in conjunction with Holistic Junction
C. Bailey-Lloyd/LadyCamelot is the Public Relations' Director & Writer for
Holistic Junction -- Your source of information for
Chiropractic Colleges
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