Career articles
Showing page 39 of 43 - There are 1269 Career articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to get more interviews in your job search
- Richard Bolles, job search guru and author of What Color Is Your Parachute? predicts that you can expect to search for work 1-2 months for every $10,000 you hope to earn. So, if you're looking for a $40,000 a year position, you may search for 4-8 months to land it. Back when the economy sizzled, that job search length would have seemed outrageous, but now, many people would be thrilled to only sea...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Any job is an honorable job
- Seeing your job as an honorable job, adds more meaning and peace to your life. Also, seeing the honor in what you do now, creates an ideal foundation upon which a career change can be built. At fifteen, my first job was that of a waitress at a local truck stop. One day, back then, I happened to meet the elementary principal of my past. She mentioned she had heard I was working part time and...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Resume tips to take you from sahm to wahm
- When looking for a telecommuting position, it is very important to have your resume in tip-top shape. This is often the only thing that a potential employer has to base a hiring decision on since they most likely will not be interviewing you in person, your resume has to make that great first impression for you.When your resume comes across the fax line or is opened in an email, it needs to...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - American idol syndrome
- I like Simon, one of three judges on American Idol. I find his feedback refreshingly honest. And while his words startle me with their ego wounding potential, the traditional feel-good, let-you-down-easy, sugar-coated feedback is not much of a gift. It's hard to tell someone they're not good enough and their dreams are not going to happen, at least in this venue. But not tel...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Creating your own luck
- Losing my job in the last recession of the last century, I discovered first hand the power of creating your own luck. A week later, I decided to locate an interim position while I looked for a "real" one. Accepting a temporary position at minimum wage in an industry I knew little about, I decided the way to enjoy the position was to learn everything I could and contribu...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Success at work : people skills : networking
- Getting along with your co-workers is critical to yourhappiness and success at work. You may find yourselfspending more time with your co-workers than with yourspouse and family. Each individual in an organization isjust a small cog in a big wheel. Without the assistance ofco-workers, you will find your assignments much moredifficult. The first step toward getting th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to give job-winning answers at interviews
- Human Resources personnel, professional recruiters and various other career experts all agree: one of the best ways to prepare yourself for a job interview is to anticipate questions, develop your answers, and practice, practice, practice.There are plenty of websites that offer lists of popular job interview questions, and knowing the types of questions to expect can be very useful. But kno...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Spiritual practices offer peace and acceptance
- Facing career transitions and daily life challenges can leave us feeling lonely, stressed and anxious. How do we manage to deal with the financial and emotional stress of having a home, a car, work (or no work), kids and a spouse in this too-busy world?Spiritual practices can help us navigate through the turmoil of work and life transitions with more acceptance and peace.Below, I sha...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Creating a feng shui power office: 6 easy tips to more successful surroundings
- More and more people are looking to gain an edge in their working environments. One method that business people are increasingly turning to is feng shui. Feng shui promises that by arranging your office environment correctly, it is possible to create a better energy in your office, and that energy can promote further opportunity and advancement. In feng shui, there are a few very basic, yet...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Loving what you do
- Man is a social animal and survival is his major need. There are needs that he needs be fulfill. The needs can be physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. A common thread that connects all the above need is a means to sustain physically. He can barter his skills to sustain himself. If the urge to contribute physically arises then he can do physical labor, like bringing about movement on ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Hey, you cant ask me that! (how to respond to inappropriate job interview questions)
- I received the following questions from a visitor to my website recently: "How should I respond to inappropriate questions such as: (1) Do you have a stable home life? (2) Tell me about your personal situation. Are these inappropriate questions? It has been so long since I interviewed for a job, your suggestions about the most helpful responses would be appreciated!" Those are, ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - When and how to say i just cant do it!
- We naturally hesitate to tell our boss when we can't do something or are feeling overwhelmed in our job. Bosses don't want to hear that, right? Well, it depends. In many situations, your boss is so busy that he/she doesn't keep track of how much work you're doing. When your boss gives you a new project, he's not thinking about all the other projects you're already working on. ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Job interviews & the magic of music
- Can music help you with your next job interview? It just might! Here's how. First, it can help you during your research, preparation and practice. While it doesn't appear to work for everyone, some studies suggest that having classical music playing softly in the background as you study can boost your recall. Try it as you're reading over your prepared answers for probable inter...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Six factors that can cost you the interview/job
- Most job seekers know that an unprofessional appearance will count against them at an interview. Here are six MORE factors that can help you remain in the unemployment line: (1) Being unprepared for the interview. Prepare, plan, and practice! In today's tough job market, you MUST do everything you can to give yourself an edge... preparation is the key. (2) Not bein...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What turns potential employers on; what turns them off?
- According to an annual survey conducted by the National Association of Colleges and Employers, these are the most important qualities that employers are looking for in a job candidate, in priority order: (1) Communication skills; (2) Honesty/integrity; (3) Teamwork skills; (4) Interpersonal skills; (5) A strong work ethic. ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Defining success your way!
- In my career advising practice, I often find that my clients are not clear about what success means for them. Our society defines success primarily around three elements: power, money and fame. Many of you reading this may be saying, "wait a minute ?those elements are not the most important things to me." Success is often intangible. It's certainly unique to each person. Have you conside...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Your goals must be within your reach
- FIRST STEP -- Set short-term, incremental goals. Work up to larger plans later. Never put yourself under the gun right from the get-go. If you do... discouragement will be right at your doorstep. You'll quit! Remember your New Year's resolutions? Set incremental time frames. Short-range goals are very important. Begin the first month and increase a little bit each succeeding...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Stacking the deck in your favor
- Many people do not bother to look at their own magnificence and without that view it is not likely that we will recognize the need for strategies to maximize our strengths. When we buy an outfit for a special affair, we automatically try to coordinate each piece so that they enhance one another and amplify our sense of "looking good" from head to toe. A man will make sure his socks and t...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 steps to escape the job world and create the life you really want
- 1. GET THE POINT ? OF LIFE, THAT IS. How many of us will look back in our old age and wish we'd gone to more meetings or put in more overtime. The point? Despite pressure to "play it safe" by sticking with your day job ("...but dear, you have a good job, you want to be HAPPY too?") you have every right to follow your entrepreneurial dreams. With the realization that li...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Hot business trends for 2004? and beyond: maybe one will turn into a creative business idea for you
- I always look forward to the December issue of Entrepreneur magazine. That's the issue that features the publisher's annual pick of hot businesses, markets, and trends for smart entrepreneurs ? or those who aspire to be. Some of the high tech businesses cited like mobile gaming or online learning tend to require six and seven figure start up costs. This c...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 10 steps to getting the most out of job fairs
- Many job seekers tend to overlook job fairs. They can be crowded, busy, competitive and confusing events. But they offer you the opportunity to contact many potential employers all within one place, and they can help you land a job. Here's what you need to do to get the most out of these events: 1. Do advance research. Your goal is to target the most promising employers at upcoming...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Seven tips to a job-winning interview
- These days, interviews don't come easily. When you get The Call, make the most of your time -- and go for it!1. Investigate the company's culture, markets, and finances. But resist the temptation to show off what you've researched: "I just read that you're about to embark on a new product line") unless you have a question directly related to your career.2. Look like you belong. Learn...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - You need ssi right now!
from David the Dogman
1. Gather presents, boxes, paper, etc. in middle of living room floor.
2. Get tape back from puppy.
3. Remove scissors from older dog's mouth.
4. Open box.
5. Take puppy out of box.
6. Remove tape from older dog's mouth.
7. Take scissors away from puppy.
8. Put present in box....
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - You can save your dime when you listen to the voices of exp
- Discover the pitfalls of owning your own business
BEFORE... [you make a BAD choice!]
It's really BIG dollars rather than dimes... at least that's my experience over many years. Thousands can be GONE quickly if you fail to plan and work your plan toward success. That said, the first step - baby size - should be at the 'feet' of one who has been there... done it!!
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - Writing great sales copy
A lot of people shy away from writing their own ads and sales
letters when it's really not necessary. If you have even a basic
grasp of writing skills, you can easily write your own stuff that
really sells. You probably just need a few pointers about format
and language.
When formatting an ad or a sales letter, put the most important...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - Why are we waiting? ten reasons for the lengthy delay in get
- The long waiting time to get a Driving Test Appointment here in Ireland is of course the responsibility of the Department of Transport. Or is it? It is so easy to blame your Government for every ill that assails us, but let's look at the real reasons for the delay.
There are many factors leading to the incredible waiting time for Driving Test.
1.Demographics --- here in Irela...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - What is life balance?
What is Stress?
Stress is an interpretation of an event or circumstance which is understood to be a threat. It can be any force or pressure put on a system (living or nonliving) which may result in a need for the system to adapt or change. Stress on human beings is like a rubber band. You also stretch to meet the environment around you, the demands of your lifestyle, and the pressur...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - What does an innate talent look like?
Martin Seligman, Ph.D., noted Optimism researcher, who's now studying Authentic Happiness, has proposed that one of the surest paths to happiness is to know your signature strengths and build your life around them, particularly if it's in a way that has meaning to you.
Management gurus, Buckingham and Clifton, in their book ?Now Discover Your Strengths,? ...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - The top 10 strategies for moving into action and for getting
Your ability to move into action and to achieve bottom line results rests in the power of your thinking. These ten strategies will support you in transforming your desires into concrete action.
Your ability to move into action and to achieve bottom line results rests in the power of your thinking. These ten strategies will support you in transforming your desires into concre...
- 2007-03-26 11:45:40 - The rainbow bridge
from David the Dogman
Just this side of Heaven is a place called The Rainbow Bridge. When an animal dies that has been especially close to someone here, that pet goes to Rainbow Bridge. There are meadows and hills for all our special friends so they can run and play together. There is plenty of food, water and sunshine, and our friends are warm and comfortable.