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Introduction to link building basics - better rankings

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If you are running any type of online business, and if you want that business to be profitable, then it is absolutely vital that you learn link building basics. While you may see some success without getting links back to your site, you will never earn as much as you can unless you understand that you need inbound links to your sites.

This is because it will help you rank better in the search engines. Now, before you say that your marketing relies on other methods to generate traffic, you should know that a large enough percentage of people will only find your site as the result of doing a search. Here are a few ways that you can get links back to your site.

An effective method for doing this is submitting articles to the better article directories that are out there. The general rule of thumb is that your articles should be keyword optimized (use the keywords you want to the search engines to associate with your site), and be about 500 words in length. One of the biggest mistakes people make that use this method is to stuff it with so many keywords that the search engines can't ignore them. The problem with that it makes it harder for real people to understand them. The best solution is to write with the search engines in mind, but always remember that it's people that will be clicking through on the links, so you need to have high quality articles that make sense.

Social bookmarking is another one of the link building basics you should be using. These are sites where all members share their favorite sites in one way or another. Some of the more popular sites a Technorati, Digg and StumbleUpon. Register for each of these sites, and any others that appeal to you, then add your sites to them. You will start to see a boost in your search engine rankings as more people start liking your site.

The other main list building thing you can do is encourage people to link to your site. You can do this by holding a contest, setting a useful page of resources, or simply by asking your visitors for a link back to your site if they like it. Finding ways to reward them for a link will give them more incentive to link back to you. Be creative and don't be afraid to do what you need to do to improve your business. After all, it is your business.

These link building basics are only the beginning. There are many other things you can do, but what counts is that you take action and start putting some of them to use right away. The sooner you do, the sooner you will start to see noticeable results. The good news is that most of the methods are quite easy to do. Once you get a taste of how much better your site does with back-links, you will wonder why you didn't do more of it sooner.


Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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