Stomp out leeches in your company
Recently, I felt appalled to see a political candidate running on the motto of "Demand More!" That motto oozes extreme nerve, and implies some people think it is o.k., as the saying goes, to "rob Peter to pay Paul."
Well, this "Demand More!" philosophy led me to thinking about "leeches." I define "leeches" as people who devote their time and energy trying to get something for nothing ? including you and your company.
Most companies have hired "leeches." These are employees who look forward to using every vacation day more than they look forward to putting in a day's work for a day's pay.
"Leeches" call-in "sick" after they use all their vacation days ? to use their "sick-days" as vacation days. They also use all "personal days" you offer, even if they do not really need a "personal day."
"Leeches" do just enough work to avoid getting fired ? and not one bit extra.
"Leeches" steal property from your company and your customers. They aim to keep anything that is not nailed down.
When you put a "leech" on your payroll, your employees know you hired a lazy bum. It conveys you do not value their productivity because, if you did, you would not make a "leech" their co-worker.
You can eliminate these parasites in two ways:
1. Get rid of "leeches" you have
2. Stop hiring "leeches"
Get rid of "leeches" in your company. A great way to terminate them is to insist every employee writes goals that
a. are measurable
b. have deadlines
Then, evaluate each employee on whether the person achieved his or her goals.
Important: Do not evaluate annually. That gives "leeches" too much time to rip you off. Instead, evaluate your employees quarterly. Productive employees like to shine often. But, "leeches" will shriek because they are vampires you are forcing into the light. After all, they are vampires who suck profits and productivity out of your company ? if you let them stay.
Since "leeches" often fail to achieve measurable goals with deadlines, you can de-employ them. Actually, you are doing them a favor: They do not really want to show up at work, anyway.
As author of the book "Hire the Best -- & Avoid the Rest?," I will give you four ways to avoid hiring "leeches" and lazy bums.
1 Way to Avoid Hiring "Leeches" = Make Applicants Fill-Out a "Character Test"
Many of our clients use the "P.A.S.S.-III® Character Test" to help avoid hiring "bad apples." It takes only 10-15 minutes for an applicant to fill-out, and you only need 1-2 minutes to score it. The applicant's scores tell you how "risky" the applicant is on three key attitudes:
a. work ethic
b. trustworthiness, e.g., possible stealing
c. drug/drinking attitudes
You, of course, would prefer to hire applicants who score "low risk." Applicants who score "moderate risk" are not as desirable, but the "P.A.S.S.-III® Character Test" gives you specific questions to judge how "risky" the "moderate risk" applicant is. (Note: If an applicant scores "high risk," then you quickly show them out the door!)
3 More Ways To Avoid Hiring "Leeches" = Clues in Job Interviews
Glorious news: "Leeches" give you clues in the job interview to help you weed them out of the running.
First interview clue: During the interview, a "leech" applicant asks about days employees do not need to work: Vacation days, sick-days, personal-days, and holidays. An applicant who really desires to work focuses on the possible job ? not on days off-work.
Second interview clue: Applicants who turn into productive employees can tell you many quantified results they achieved in previous jobs. In contrast, "leeches" mainly spout vague blathering about "doing work." Do not let them fool you: People who cannot tell you specific results they achieved are not worth hiring.
Third interview clue: Applicant exudes laziness. Most managers find "problem employees" are 1 ? 3 of the following:
■ Lazy,
■ hazy
■ crazy
Remember the saying, "If it walks like a duck and sounds like a duck, then it probably is a duck." Well, if an applicant walks and sounds lazy, then the applicant probably is lazy. Do not bet your career "hoping" a person will work better then s/he acts and sounds.
You now can use this two-prong method to keep "leeches" out of your company:
1. De-employ "leech" employees by proving they are unproductive
2. Avoid hiring "leeches" by using
a. P.A.S.S.-III® Character Test
b. 3 interview clues
Your result: Everyone in your company will consider you an outstanding manager.
Copyright 2005 Dr. Michael Mercer
Michael Mercer, Ph.D., is a pre-employment test expert, public speaker, and founder of The Mercer Group, Inc. in Barrington, Illinois. Dr. Mercer developed the widely used Abilities & Behavior Forecaster? Tests. You can view information on these tests at
http://www.mercersystems.comHe wrote 5 books, including (1) Hire the Best -- & Avoid the Rest?, (2) Turning Your HR Department into a Profit Center?, and (3) Absolutely Fabulous Organizational Change?. You can subscribe to his free e-Newsletter at or contact him at (847) 382-0690
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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