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Why is my restaurant not full every monday night?

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In a quest for customers and to keep those customers, restaurants are now compelled to develop a marketing plan. Marketing plans are a crucial component for anyone who has the desire to make their restaurant a success.

Marketing plans are a crucial component for anyone who has the desire to make their restaurant a success. In a quest for customers and to keep those customers, restaurant are now compelled to develop a marketing plan. However, many restaurant owners are not comfortable with marketing, or don't know how to write a proper marketing plan ? after all the thing they know best is the restaurant business. If you want to be a better restaurant marketer, attract customers, and have an ongoing direction to follow for your business, then it is important that you follow a strategic marketing plan.

Having a solid marketing plan for your restaurant enables you to clearly articulate your message so that customers and prospects are interested in and listen to what you have to say. You marketing plan should deliver such a strong message that it compels these customers and prospects to take action and vote with their feet by coming into your restaurant.

Standard marketing plans contain most or all of the following sections: market research, description of your target markets, description of your products or services, your competition, budget, strategy and goals, and action items to complete. They should also include your pricing, and positioning and branding statements. In order for your plan to work, it must be a living document, so make changes as you implement the plan according to what works and what doesn't.

If you are not a marketing expert then help is only a step away. Marketing plan software is available to help you outline and develop a solid marketing plan yourself or you can hire an external marketing consultant who specializes in restaurant marketing to write the plan for you.

Learn more about bringing new customers to your restaurant / new marketing ideas:


About the author:
Howard Schwartz is a partner in several business strategy groups, including HJ Ventures International, Inc. Howard has worked with hundreds of entrepreneurs worldwide with a focus on writing business plans for companies interested in raising capital from Venture Funds and Angel Investors. Howard's business plans have secured several million dollars in funding.
For more information: http://www.hjventures.com

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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