Blogging articles
Showing page 8 of 17 - There are 502 Blogging articles
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why you?re not blogging - and why you should start today
- Those of you who aren't ready to wade into the Blog pool are taking your time for several reasons, according to my informal interviews with people before and after they blog. Others start blogging and then abandon their projects too soon, unaware of the benefits.Whatever your reason, you should get started now - or get back to blogging as the case may be. Here's some motivating enlightenmen...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Blogging for business
- Business blogs are primarily used to improve a company's communication both internally and externally. Business blogs are a type of communication channel that could be used effectively in product launches, team interaction internally within the company or interaction between clients and company. With the level of interactivity blogs provide, clients feel more confident in the company. Not to menti...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Why would you use blogs instead of a web site for your online business?
- Why would you use Blogs instead of a web site for your online business?What's wrong with using a web site for conducting your online business? How can Blogs help and why should I need one anyway?Combining a website and a Blog however offer a number of superior advantages in terms of traffic generation, marketing and efficiency which a stand-alone website cannot do.(a) Automati...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 7 tips for successful blogging
- So, you have a blog! Do you have traffic? Do you know how to build traffic to your weblog? There are seven proven methods for building readership of your blog. They start with defining the purpose, or life, of your blog. Then, after you have a blog worth promoting, driving traffic is crucial to your ongoing success at blogging.Here are seven tips to help you build and hold an audience for y...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to use rss feeds in your marketing
- It was Friday night. I finished reading a book about RSS feeds. Quickly set up one for my site, submitted it on directories and went to bed.Sunday morning, I noticed a sale. Idly, I scanned my logs to see where the buyer had found me.It was from Yahoo! Now that may not seem surprising, except... I had not been listed in Yahoo! before.Curious, I did a Yahoo! Search for my domai...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Are you thinking of republishing rss feeds?
- There is lively debate about the republishing of RSS feeds on other sites. The argument surrounds the use of RSS feeds from the feed publisher being used in an unfair manner. This includes republishing the entire articles and not displaying sufficient credit to the original source. Before we go into the details you may want to brush up ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Rss meets the needs of direct marketers
- Contrary to general opinion, RSS meets the needs of even the most demanding direct marketer, actually providing most of what e-mail marketing does, except for the strong push factor.Most direct marketing reasons against RSS are in fact the result of inadequate understanding of RSS by most marketers.a] Scheduled and autoresponder messagesThere are already a few services and sof...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - The idiot?s step-by-step guide to blogging for profit
- Blogging is easy, blogging is fun. And what's more?it can help your business in a lot of ways. A blog is a frequent, chronological publication of personal thoughts and web links in the cyberspace. You could call it an e-diary where you can register your thoughts, opinion and comments on anything and everything under the sun that interests you. Though people had been 'at it' long before the term bl...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - A basic introduction to blogging
- Web logging first appeared on the net in the mid-1990s. The term "web log" was initially coined refer to a server's log file and then expanded to include the meaning of online personal journaling. Later on, to avoid confusion, the word "blog" was adopted to refer to personal journaling. Today a blog is defined as an online publication where an author puts his or her personal th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to cash in on blogs
- Over the past year or so, more and more webmasters have been creating their own blogs (web-logs). If you don't already know, a blog is sort of an online diary which is updated at regular intervals by the author(s), and can be viewed by the public.Blogs can have a wide variety of topics, including personal thoughts, news, sports, politics, technology, or virtually anything else you can think...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Starting your own blog
- I was sitting in my local Internet Cafe yesterday, I like to get away from my 'home office' from time to time and it's a great place to go for a cup of Espresso and to meet interesting people. The rather attractive lady sitting next to me was typing away furiously and, when she had finished, I asked her what she was writing - I'm interested in learning how other people use the Internet... some peo...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to add random rss content to your site
- Most savvy internet marketers will know how important it is to have fresh content added to their sites on a daily basis but the problem sometimes is to find the time and/or content. Adding an RSS feed is a good way to add fresh content to a site, but the problem again is that most of them only get updated on a weekly basis.I have been wracking my brains trying to find a semi- automated way ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Blogs and networking
- In the middle 1990's everyone started talking about needing a website. Now, the new "must have" is a web log or blog. While blogs can come in all shapes and sizes, a blog is just a very simple way to publish a journal, record of events, thoughts, ideas or whatever the author wants to write about. A blog sits on a website ? whether that site is run by you or managed by a company that will...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Rss feeds have revolutionized the internet
- RSS feeds have revolutionized the Internet for one very good reason: they have provided and end to Spam. With RSS feeds, you can say good-bye to mass emails and distributions that do not meet your news needs and clog up your mailbox and hard drive.RSS technology provides a way to sort through the vast amount of information available via the Internet and to select only that information that ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Update your websites content automatically 24/7 using rss(real simple syndication) and rss feeds
- RSS(Real Simple Syndication) is the newest form of content syndication to hit the Internet and is widely becoming the best known way online to deliver fresh targeted content to your website(s) to whatever audience you're targeting 24/7/365.Now for those of you who aren't quite up to speed on "RSS" here's the basic definition -- RSS is an acronym for "Real Simple Syndication" or "Rich Site S...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - 3 tips to improve your rss marketing
- 3 Tips to improve your RSS marketing You have created an RSS feed, or maybe you have several feeds and you post at least once a week to keep your RSS subscribers interested. So now you can sit back and watch your hit counter tally up all those extra visitors. Well you may think you have finished but there are a few things you can do to improve things still further. 1. Let ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Rss round-up: whats happening with simple syndication?
- Have you been following the explosion of RSS -- Really Simple Syndication -- activity online? Seems this new method of "getting the word out" is picking up steam. Why? Partly because of the Davids, and partly because of the Goliaths. The "Davids" -- the little guys -- are able to deploy the technology since it is easy to use and usually is a feature of Blogging software (Blogging is another emergi...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Snob-bloggers: you just might be a snob if you publish a blog
- You Might Be A Snob-Blogger If?According to Jupiter Research, about 2 percent of the online community has created a blog. That works out to millions and millions of blogs, and in turn, millions and millions of snobs who publish them. That's an awful lot of Snob-Bloggers!You see, in order to care enough to publish a blog, you really need to be somewhat of a snob. Before we get into th...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Feeds for small business: real world examples
- A merchant I was talking to the other day asked to me, "Aren't feeds for bigger companies with IT people on staff?" All they knew about feeds was that bigger companies , news providers etc., were using them. After I explained how that particular merchant could use a feed for her business, she were quite excited about the prospect of doing just that.The particlular merchant I was talking to ...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Rss explained
- What is RSS? To begin with, it's one of those things everyone says is easy to understand. And it is, as soon as you have your own 'ah-ha' moment.I think the easiest way to explain it is to walk you through an example of RSS in action. I'm not going to try to explain everything on the subject, but this should help get you started.>> Let's sign you up for the Excess Voice RSS Feed...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - What is blogging?
- Blogs have been around for many years but have recently become somewhat a new 'craze'. A Blog is short for Web Log is basically an online journal. They can be set up at little to no cost at all, and can be used for a wide variety of things. Some bloggers just blog for the fun of it, while others tend to use their blogs for business reasons.The following are just a few ways blogs can be used...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How direct sales reps can use blogging
- One of the tools that a smart direct sales representative use to attract new business is a blog. A blog keeps customers and potential customers informed about products, events and services that relate to your business, new releases, contests, specials and it always keeps your name front and center. It shows readers that you are a good source of information that they can count on.If you thin...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Business: deliver information safely
- Businesses that are not using feeds today, as part of their marketing and advertising plans, will soon do so, or should thinking of implementing them soon. Although this is a fairly new communications tool it is growing rapidly. The reason is that the information gatherer, consumers, etc., are or will be using readers to view information. The main reason is that information can be viewed with No S...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - #1 mistake most blogs do
- As much as this might surprise most bloggers, the #1 mistake most blogs are doing is not publishing their content via e-mail, as a supplement to their RSS feeds.Just think about it: while RSS is growing strong, it still only penetrates about 5-6% of the American online population. Furthermore, according to a recent BlogAds survey, "only 12 percent of the blog reading audience said it used R...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Top 10 reasons to start blogging
- "What's blogging?" you ask."Where have you been?" I reply...just kidding, of course. Blogging has been around for quite some time, but there are still a few of us who are just getting started on it. A blog, which is a shortened version of the words "web log," is basically an online diary, resource and commentary. It generally contains links to other blogs, websites and informational resourc...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to create an rss feed
- An RSS news feed can be used to communicate with your target audience. It is an ideal means of notifying people of new content on your website without the need for them to keep on visiting your site. You can send newsletters to your readership without having to use email and risk being accused of spamming. You will be comfortable in the knowledge that people who request your feed are actually inte...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How to avoid blog burnout
- Blogging is a time consuming process. It involves the process of gathering, reading, digesting and compiling information into a nice, meaty post that gives your reader an insight into the unique way you see and understand issues. Most serious business bloggers have at least two or three blogs that they write simultaneously. I have ten, but don't update all regularly. Bloggers a...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Promoting your business using blogs
- Internet marketing using blogs has quickly gained a lot of popularity as a wonderful way to promote your business.There are many ways that blogging can help in the promotion of your business. Since blogs are usually full of links and contain a large amount of keywords it will give your site a much better chance of being picked up by a search engine allowing more exposure for your business....
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - How can you use blogs to increase traffic?
- I am conducting my 1st customer appreciation webcast and asked my subscribers list what is their most pressing question they have about blogs and rss.Here's one of the questions I have:How can you use blogs to incease traffic?Blogs can increase traffic through the following:1. If your blog has valuable content, this will attract readers to your blog who will visit again...
- 2007-11-13 22:16:19 - Blogs: why, where and how
- So you have heard about the blogs or you are sure you are now going through one of the blog. You might have seen blogs in the search results and would not have noticed it. Yes blogs are now making news but still a large number of people consider them as online diaries or a political mouthpiece. What about the business blogs that is lately surfacing on the web sphere? Top companies like GM's Fastla...