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The secret to shiny hair

Beauty RSS Feed

I'm sure you've seen on TV the Pantene commercial where the hair shines like a mirror. I don't know why other hair commercials don't do the same thing with all that shine.

I do like the Pantene shampoo because there is silk in it.

For one thing, what I learned going to cosmetology school is that you need to shampoo your hair 2 times to get the crap out of your hair. The first time you shampoo your hair, you bring the dirt up to the surface, and the 2nd time you shampoo, you get all the residual dirt out of your hair. The second time you shampoo your hair, just use a dime size amount.

Now that you shampooed your hair, you can use a conditioner, especially if it has silk in it.

The biggest secret to shiny hair is to use either lemon juice or apple cider vinegar in a spray bottle to get your hair back to its natural ph and closes the cuticle. When the cuticle is closed that's when you hair is shiny.

Make sure you use a natural bristle brush or comb and always comb in the direction the hair falls, which is down.

If you want to use a light mousse, that's fine but after you comb it, just leave it alone and let it dry naturally.

Now if you blow dry your hair, again, blow dry it in a downward motion. This allows the cuticle to stick together naturally. Then your hair will reflect light. If you blow your hair against the natural direction, your hair will not be shiny. You can also use Infusium Leave In Conditioner to protect your hair. Infusium will untangle any knots.

If you use a curling iron, use one of those ceramic curling irons--the professional ones. It can make your hair extremely shiny because again you are using the iron in a downward direction. It is good if you can use Infusium Leave-in spray conditioner to protect the hair.

These are simple techniques to get the most shine out of your hair.

Copyright 2005 F. Kuhn, RN - Specializing in Diabetes


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Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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