Learn german with a tandem-scholarship
Goettingen TANDEM Language Center offers scholarships for language courses in English, French, Italian, German and Spanish. Applying is worthwhile.
Languages are increasingly important in Europe. This is especially true for young people who want to work in an international arena and want to make themselves fit for the European market. But often, the private interest is located in a foreign country, with foreigners and their culture in the foreground. The Language Center of TANDEM-Goettingen in Germany offers grants for language courses in English, French, Italian, German or Spanish, in cooperation with the TANDEM Foundation in San Sebastian (Spain). The scholarship will cover 40 lessons.
The TANDEM-Goettingen also arranges, on request, a TANDEM Partner for their participants. That means a language partner who speaks the target language as a native speaker. For example, a German participant's practice his English and the English-TANDEM-Partner can practice his German with a German TANDEM-Partner. This creates a bond in such friendships and contacts with the target country. The language center TANDEM Goettingen offers not only language courses, but also provides accommodations for students. Participants can choose between shared apartments, family environments or separate apartments.
Why learn German?
In Europe, there are about 100 million (100,000,000) native German speakers. This makes the language an important commercial and business language, but it is, also, a very interesting language for communication.
German is the official language of Germany, Austria, Switzerland and Luxembourg. Moreover, in neighboring countries, German is spoken as a second language. Moreover, the German speaking countries are very much in demand as tourist areas as well. Germany has many historic towns that invite you to discover them. Switzerland and Austria impress their visitors with breathtaking natural landscapes.
Learn German with regional studies
Regional studies in German lessons have, in recent decades, become more and more important, due to the fact that language is not just grammar and vocabulary, but is mostly a mirror of cultural identity. Numerous writers, such as Goethe (Faust! Eine Tragoedie), Schiller (Das Lied von der Glocke), Kafka (Der Prozeß) or Thomas Mann (Die Buddenbrooks), have left their literary treasures in German. But German-speaking countries, also, offer numerous highlights in history, architecture and politics. So, it is recommended that everyone visits the Wall Museum at the former "Checkpoint Charley" in Berlin. There, you can find stories of numerous escape attempts; tales of East Germans who risked their lives to go to West Germany. These cover the period between 1961 to 1989.
Those who wish to get information about these scholarships may speak to us or visit the web site http://www.sprachzentrum.de/english .
TANDEM Goettingen e.V., Groner Str. 57-58, D-37073 Goettingen, Deutschland, Tel.: +49 (0)551 48 50 55, Fax: +49 (0)551 47 4 16, E-mail: info@sprachzentrum.de, Internet: http://www.sprachzentrum.de/english
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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