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Abused as a child

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Child abuse is a much more common event, than is usually expressed in public. I recently attended an event, where people were asked to discuss their darkest secrets. Out of the thirty or so women in the room, nearly two thirds expressed their darkest secret as, being about child abuse and two had had terminations, created by a family member.

I say this to point out that it is quite a common event, but this does not belittle the effect it can have emotionally and on relationships for years following. In a way it is the fact that we burry these events in our subconscious and they only resurface when curtain trigger are pressed.

These triggers can be seen when we start to become closer to a partner we like. Because we often also love the family member we end up with mixed emotions regarding the incident.

I feel the time is right now to allow these feeling to come back to the surface of our mind and start to resolve the issues around sexual abuse.

We cannot change our past or what has happened in our life. We also cannot change other people; we can only really work on ourselves; our reaction to what has happened in our life.

What I would first suggest is to embrace our dark side and the events that have happened. Come from the heart and be fully present in the now. The moment of Now is all that exists the post is just a memory and the future has not been created yet.

If you find that you have repeating thought pattern in your life that make you sad ? change your mind about them. In the now moment when you find one of these repeating thoughts coming up, change your mind, it may be a belief you hold that has been given to you by your parents. Question that belief now and see if it is still serving you.

When you are in the now moment all possibilities are open to your thinking you can make life up however you like. Just as a way of an experiment, bring to mind one thought about your childhood that has been troubling you for year.

Look at it closely and see what belief you are applying to that situation and what judgement you have made. Can you know for certain that these facts are true? Or are you coming from False Evidence Appearing Real ? FEAR.

Fear can only exist when we are remembering the past or projecting into the future, it cannot exist in the now moment. Why? Because in the Now moment we are coming from Love; our thoughts and feeling are coming from our heart and radiating outwards and our hearts are full of love. Fear and love are two opposites that cannot occupy the same space.

So when the past comes to haunt you look it straight in the face and ask yourself how you want to react to this memory. Check if your reaction is coming from love from your heart. Ask yourself in the moment, what you would love to create and believe? Whether you are coming from fear from past beliefs and understandings that are no longer real for you?

In that moment, embrace it all, love it all and choose a positive constructive outcome that will serve you and those around you. Release the past and let the stale negative energy be grounded into the earth beneath your feet. Move forward into the grandest, greatest vision of who you would like to be and step into that. Hold your head up high knowing that you have faced your deepest fear and proved to yourself that it had no substance to it.

Use your mind to dream a bright new future for yourself. Give yourself a pat on the back and love yourself, for who you are now in this moment. Overflowing with love and gratitude to yourself, embrace that vision of who you are today. Start to take care of yourself in new ways.

With respect and gratitude to you.

Message channelled by George Lockett (C) Copyright 2005, All Rights Reserved. Read HealerGeorge's Blog: http://curezone.com/blogs/f.asp?f=95 Visit the website for more information and previously published ebooks to read, Guided Meditation CD or MP3 file. Request Absent Healing at: http://www.healergeorge.com Or ask at question at "Ask HealerGeorge": http://curezone.com/forums/f.asp?f=637

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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