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What is anxious feeling for you

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A foolish question, is not it? Who on earth would value an anxious feeling?
But why do so many of us keep having it?

Of course, some feelings of anxiety normally visit almost all of us. There
is nothing wrong about them when certain explainable reasons exist somewhere
on the background. In such cases the anxious feeling normally disappears
along with its reason. Only abnormally callous people never worry, never
feel anxious.

Quite a different issue when your anxious feeling persists without reasons.
It can practically paralyse your will, break your behaviour, your everyday
life. It can throw you into the nightmare of panic abroad day light. It
brings about the sensation of frustration and helplessness, fear of life
and everything that's in it. The aim of this article is not to express
compassion, not to help you indulge in self-pity, but to help you climb out
of this situation.

Obsessive anxious feeling is a well and long known condition, existing in
a variety of forms - from slight obsessive alarm to blinding panic.
Specialists offer different "treatments" for its separate forms. Sad as it
is the prospects to escape this condition using these treatments are not
very bright. These treatment methods can roughly be subdivided into two
Both groups can be modestly proud of some success. At the same time both
show serious flaws.

Medication is usually implemented to stop acute panic attacks. But it takes
meticulous cooperation between the doctor and patient. And this is something
the most difficult to realize. The patient cannot permanently rest under
the doctor's control. Fagged out by the long-lasting condition he/she can
easily slacken self-control trying to speed up the rehabilitation. It often
leads to ostensibly opposite but just as dangerous condition, when the
patient for a while gets rid of not only panic or anxious feeling, but of
normal fears,too, the fears we need to protect us in normal life. Besides
the obsessive anxious feeling is sure to come back soon.

The most successful among psychological methods is, of course, psychoanalysis.
It aims at discovering the initial (often subconscious) source of the
anxiousness or panic to block it. This method may be recommended to those
who are not in a hurry (quite a few sessions will be needed) and who have a
lot of money.

Other psychological methods (substitution, distraction, sublimation,
meditation, etc.) are less effective. They usually give a short-time relief
and need constant repetition. In the long run they lose their efficiency
and the need of "something new" arises.

And now - the most important info of this article. All those engaged in
anxious feeling and the like conditions treatment recognize existance of the
"vicious circle". When the patient is suffering from the panic attack he/she
is acutely afraid of everything. When the fit is over he/she immediately
and just as acutely starts being afraid of the fit to come back. You will
agree that to be acutely afraid of something yet to come is just as
paralysing as to be afraid of everything.

Is there a real anxious feeling killer? Yes, there is, and it is exactly
pointed at breaking up of this vicious circle. It is an author's method
that I would never trespass, but I can recommend you to visit the site
below. I'd add that it is fast, safe, decisive, easy and economically very


Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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