Hidden benefits of reflexology
The holistic therapy of reflexology has been used over the years to promote physical health and wellbeing in many thousands of people from all walks of life, but there is also a subtler aspect to its benefits that can be applied to the more vulnerable amongst us, to expand awareness and enhance everyday living.
When a client asked if she could bring her sister, who had learning disabilities, for a reflexology treatment with me, I was only too glad to concur. When the appointment day arrived, the young lady's mother accompanied her and explained to me that her daughter had been born with learning disabilities (she was now in her thirties) and that the only diagnosis that doctors had given her was that 'something probably went wrong during birth.'
My client - a pleasant & smiling young lady - appeared in cheerful mood, did not appear nervous, but was unable to reply to my enquiries about her health and lifestyle. Her mother did this for me, telling me she was on the whole in good general health and that one thing she constantly talked about was getting married! She loved to look at magazines where there were pictures of brides' dresses and related details and often imagined herself to be dressed in one. However, emotionally she was very detached from people, even her mother and two sisters.
During the treatment, she was unable to communicate to me any tender spots on her feet, which were very smooth & unlined, although I encountered several gritty areas especially on the head area and the pituitary and pineal glands. She did, however, say that she was enjoying it and loved the feeling of her feet being rubbed. I gave her an especially thorough post-treatment foot massage because of this. As they were about to leave, the young lady gave me a really big hug and thanked me for the time I had spent with her. I am quite used to this, but was a little surprised to see the look of surprise on her mother's face.
The next day, her mother phoned me to say that she had never seen her daughter give anyone a hug - not even to her - and that was the reason for her amazement at her response to the treatment. She also told me that, during the evening, when her daughter had been sitting upstairs in her bedroom, as she was accustomed to do every night, the mother had called up to her to let her know that she was going down to the shop to make a few purchases. Instead of the short 'OK' that she expected, the girl called down to her to wait a moment while she got dressed, and she would accompany her on the walk to the shop. This was so unusual that the mother could hardly believe her ears. The daughter came downstairs fully dressed, and walked to the shop and back with her, lacing her arm in her mother's on the way back. This may sound like a very small breakthrough to many people, but the mother was very moved with this development.
Reflexology treats all the organs of the body through the feet, but not only this - it clears blocked energy pathways throughout the body enabling organs and glands to function properly and in a holistic way. When a blockage is removed from one area, this in turn promotes the free flow of energy to a related area, and so on. It can show benefits to the physical body or, as in this case, to the emotional body so that the heart can stimulate the brain into alternative ways of thinking or behaving. The fact that a client cannot tell us what is felt during a treatment, is therefore no indication as to the level of benefit that the treatment can bestow upon the mind, body and spirit.
Helen Thompson is a multi-therapist based in Coventry in the UK & has many years devoted to healing. On offer are reflexology, reiki, Quantum-Touch, EFT, Indian head massage, crystology, flower remedies & meditation techniques. She delights in enabling others to open themselves to the possibilities of energy healing & invites you to visit her website and forum at
Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com
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