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Does calorie restriction lead to weight loss?

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Yes and no. Moderate calorie restriction helps in controlling and getting rid of fat to a certain extent.

In fact the so called low carbohydrate diets are low calorie diets.

Research proves that the weight loss in these weight loss programs is on account of calorie restriction and not due to the virtues of a low carbohydrate-high protein diet.

But the real fact about these diets is.. calorie restriction is bad for health.

Firstly, these diet plans induce ketosis which according to many experts is bad for health.

Secondly, calorie restriction deprives the vital organs like lever, thyroid and adrenals etc. of required nutrition.

What this means in effect is, the very organs which are supposed to burn fat and keep you lean and healthy are making you sick because of wrong diet!

The reason? Well, very simple...

Say for example, you eat 1200 calories of fruit daily,-which is very good for the fat burning and filtering organs in your body. Now,if you suddenly you reduce it by 500 calories...what is the result? deprivation.

Now let's take another scenario..you are regularly eating 1500 calories of fast food(processed foods) and you bring it down by 500..result? great!

These junk foods were causing damage to your organs and a shift in your diet pattern wiill increase the efficiency of your body's fat burning organs.

So, you will see that it's not calorie restriction alone that was responsible for weight loss in the above example, the restriction of unwanted processed foods in your diet has a more profound effect on your health and weight loss goals.

You can get more cutting edge fat burning secrets in my Free 5 day email e-course by subscribing to my newsletter at: www.eweightlosstips.com

About the Author

Expert in weight loss principles of Ayurveda Medical Science
and Author of the Best selling book,
"Proven weight loss secrets revealed".

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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