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Cover up skin problems with ease

Acne RSS Feed

There are many acne treatment coverup products on the market that are flesh-tinted, for example concealer (or coverup), foundation and face powder which comes in two forms, loose or pressed.

Powder is particularly useful for absorbing excessive oil build up throughout the daytime.

When shopping for cosmetics for your acne prone skin make sure to look for ones that are toted as being oil-free or water-based and also non-comedogenic (which means it won't clog pores).

If you choose products that do not contain any of these terms on their labels then you are only asking for trouble.

Liquimat Acne Treatment and Cover-Up lotion in light is two in one.

It is all of the necessary things- non-comedogenic, oil-free, water-based and contains four percent of the ingredient sulfur, which attacks the oil and bacteria that causes acne.

It helps dry the skin and allows for the gentle peeling of the top layer of skin.

After that it works to cover up the acne you have.

Some people who use this product find that it dries almost too quickly.

For that reason it is recommended that patients apply the product only once a day and then increase it to two to three times a day if they feel it is required.

Dermasoft sells an excellent product for acne treatment coverup called Heal & Conceal.

This drying lotion contains natural anti-oxidants and Tea Tree Oil. Tea Tree Oil is a proven way to loosen dirt from pores, rid the face of blackheads and works as an anti-inflammatory agent.

It destroys bacteria and does away with excessive oil.

Not to mention the fact that this acne treatment coverup has a very natural/pleasant herbal scent.

To search for more articles and information regarding acne and skin treatments, visit Acne-Care-and-Skin-Treatments.com

Article Source: Messaggiamo.Com


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